I liked the pictures of Grr's toes so much, I decided to post some close-ups of my toes. And Grumpybutt's too, and
Pumpkin, said he was going to too, so today is Toesday! Know who's toes I'd really like to see? KC's. She has the cutest toes EVER!

I have giant, mighty hunter paws!!

And when I spread them out they're HUGE! Maybe even bigger than Kismet's!!

My black paw pads. The flash makes them look grey, but they're black, really. My toe-tufties are brown though.
This is Grumpybutt's paw. All four of them are all white and dainty little things, smaller than mine even though he's bigger and (kinda fat)!

His paw pads are really pale pink. My OTW says she loves them anyway, and they're very cute, even if they're not mighty and black like mine!
Hey Jack, cute feet. Good point about those squirrels. I hate it when they sit in the trees yelling at me too. This morning I was sitting on the garden shed watching one of them on the ground eat a pear right in front of me. It was like I didn't exist. They are so not scared of me it's quite insulting. Faz
I love paw shots! Yours are furry and nice looking. Kaze's are terrifying!! Paws are awesome.
Furry gud paws pixchurs!!!
Hi Jack! It wuz a good idear to do Toesday today. And yu surely gotz BIG FEET! Mine is all floof.
o, Jack, i like's ur mighty viking paws. they be furry purrty.
'n Grumpybutt's paws be kewt 'n pink. mine mommie likes thems, too.
i posted pickshures of mine feets if'n u wants ta see. also posted bouts it on tha Blogosphere. hee-hee.
o, hi Pumpkin, r we's gonna git ta see ur's floofy feets 'n toesies?
Oh those are great pawses you have there Jack! I gots all black pawpads too but I dunno if I'll let Mommy take pikshurs of them. Not tooday anyways.
Toes! Toes? Jack, that firstest pictor looks like a black fuzzy ball like my red fuzzy tinsel ball only black, an that makes me wanna snatch it an toss it round the room. Are you SURE thosere yur toesers?
Moses supposes his toeses are roses,
but Moses supposes erroneously...
Purrsonally, I purrfur my lovely white mittens.
Oh I love the paw shots. I have such big feet for a little cat that Momma always laughs at mine!
Love the paws. Yours are so manly.
Lovely feet!
Love the big hunter feet. And the dainty pink toe pads.
Those are some very mighty and very dainty toes in two-tones ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko kO
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