It's not FAIR!!! I
Rolled for Eric! I rolled
really hard! I even did it again this weekend and I made Mom take pictures and I was going to post them today for Gingersday and tell
Eric so he knew he had to get better and knew that we loved him and then he ran away to the Rainbow Bridge before I could tell him! Didn't I roll hard enough? Was I supposed to roll more? I
tried but Mom doesn't leave the screen open when she sleeps or at night. Why didn't Eric get better?

See? I rolled really good!

Mom says sometimes nothing anycat or anyhuman can do helps, and it sounds like Eric had what Whisper, the Cat Who Came Before had, and then they have to go to the Bridge because it hurts a lot and it's better for Eric now because he doesn't hurt and he can play and eat and do anything he wants now, and that sounds like a lot of fun, but now I hurt a lot because Eric is gone, and I wanted him to get better so he could tell me how to be a Floofy Ginger Mancat!

I'm going to go out and roll some more for him anyway. Maybe he can see it from the Rainbow Bridge and know I tried?

Mom says we get rainbows here a lot...