You know how some humans do stuff for a really long time to make other humans all better? Well, my ginger friendFat Ericis all sick and so are some other kitties like William and Russell's sisterOlivia, and some other cats too, but I don't know them, but they're still sick so I thought if I did something for a really long time like the humans do then maybe they'd get all better like humans do, so I'm going to Roll for Eric! (And Olivia and all the other kitties!)
Help! Help! Help!!! Gingers, you have to help me! I think I'm turning into a House Panther! I havePANTHERITIS!!!!!
See? I has a blackSPOTon my head!!!!!!
And I grew a BLACKwhisker!
And then it wasFOUR BLACK WHISKERS!!!!
And now the Mom-Lady-Person says I have TWO MORE!! On the OTHER SIDE!!!!!!
Also, HELP! HELP! HELP!!!!! I think my Ebil Arch-Nemesis-Lady-Person-Kitten-Cuddler is trying to STRANGLE ME!!!!!!
(ed. Was not! I was scritching your neck! You like neck scritches, you doofball! ~EANLPKC)
At least one of the ones on the other side falled out! I don't trust you, Ebil Arch-Nemesis-Lady-Person-Kitten-Cuddler! You call me Smooshy Kitten! And you eat Smooshy cheese! I think you're planning to smoosh me all over banick... bannerk....that bread stuff!