Lookit the cool picture Maggy and Zoey made for Grumpybutt!!! It's really pretty!!!
Thank you Maggy and Zoey!!
And thank you to everycat who came by and said nice things! We meant to come around sooner and say thanks to everycat, but a couple days after Whisper went to the Bridge, my OTW got really sick and honked alot for a squillion naps, and then she stopped honking and started trying to hack up a hairball (and I wanna know why SHE doesn't have to eat the yucky brown stuff like I do when I try to hack up a hairball!!!) And then she went completely crazy trying to do stuff she was supposed to be doing when she was sick.
We're going to try come around in the next few days. And my OTW says if I'm really good, she may even produce the next episode of Kitty-Cops this week!!!
We really miss Grumpybutt, but we kinda knew he was going. He sniffed all wrong. And even Persephone was being really nice to him the last couple weeks. At least he wasn't really in pain much, mostly just hungry 'cause he couldn't eat good. And we let him have all the snuggles the last week.
But now my OTW says we may get a new friend or even several small ones, though she says we wouldn't keep them. The Big One says no new cats until we move again, maybe next year, but she said since Persephone seems to be friendly with strange cats, and I just love everycat, some of you cats and your people have inspired her to offer to foster kitties from the place Persephone came from. She says there aren't enough kitties in our house anymore and it feels weird.
They don't foster out often though, 'cause they don't need to. We almost got another Grumpy-cat though! But he was adopted just that morning when they went to meet him! We may get a different Grumpy-cat though, who just came in. Or maybe some kittens, though they mostly get already born and weaned kittens there.
Shhhhhhhh! Don't tell! But my OTW says if we're really good we may be able to get a new forever friend sooner! The Big One turned into a pile of mushy stuff when he saw all the kittens at the shelter! She says it's very funny though, he always complains the loudest when we're bad, but he fell for the troublemaker who climbed EVERYWHERE!! He said he thought the kitten would WALK ON THE CEILING in another minute!!!
My OTW says it's all strange up here. No one minds black cats at all and it's usually the adult kitties who get adopted first! She thinks it's because the kittens aren't good mousers yet and there's lots of mousies in housies around here.
Well that's all our news! We'll come round and visit everycat we can soon!