My biggest wish already came true! I've got a kitten for an early Christmas present, (and one of those Petmate Deluxe Fresh Flow water fountains, but I'm still not sure about that last one).
I guess I wish when Persephone gets used to me, she'll play with me too, and not just my toys.
I also want a sparkly ball like everyone keeps talking about, and a new Evil Rattly Fev-verbutt Mousie, 'cause all the fev-vers are off this one, and maybe some new and different kinds of toys.
I want all the kitties to be free from attacks from vishus deers.
I want all the kitties to have good homes, and all the bad people who don't take care of their kitties or even hurt them on purpose to get the bitey put on them!
I want lots of tummy rubs, and to have first dibs on the OTW's lap. I had to tell my sister with the paw-hovering-over-her-head about hogging my lap. My OTW calls it my Paw of Damocles!!! Persephone didn't seem intimidated. I may have to revise my strategy.
I want more time to blog, 'cause I feel bad that I never seem to get to some blogs even though they come to mine and visit!
I want to play with the wrapping paper, and have new boxes to sit my booty in.
I want more Temptations!
I want Grumpybutt to like me and let me at least sit near him without getting Grr-Looking-at-Cocoa eyes!
I want my OTW to make Whisper and Persephone their OWN stockings, so I don't have to share mine! She says she didn't have time to make one for Pesephone, and she didn't make one last year for Whisper 'cause the Big One was far away at Christmas, and she didn't feel like decorating or wrapping stuff and just gave us our presents without stockings or wrapping paper.
Wanna see my Stocking? My OTW made it just for me!
I got the bestest home and the bestest OTW of all, so I don't want much.
That's a cool stocking, Jack. Your OTW is furry creative. Persephone will get used to you :) And we all need more time to blog!!! We agree about the kitties havin good home and all the nice stuff too. You're a sweet fella, Jack :)
Boni, Sanjee, Mini, Pepi and Gree
Great stocking Jack! :) Very nice. Your list is great too. I'm also hoping all kitties find their forever homes.
I hope all your Christmas wishes come true!
That stocking is amazing! Why don't I get one like that? Sigh...That is a great list and I'm sure your new sister will figure out the rules soon enough.
Oh that's a lovely stocking Jack! I'm jealous!
There's enough feathers on that stocking for EVERYONE to play with!
What a nice list you made.
Alberta, Sky, Blackie, Charlie and Maggie Fu
Wow! Santa won't make any mistake about whose stocking that is! Hope he fills it with treats & toys.
we wuz followin' purrty good fur bein' cats an all, then we came ta the stocking picshure an now we gots no idea whut ya just sed on account of we're TOTALLY DISTRACKTED BY GIANT FEV-VERS! whoa - DUDE!
Jack that is one bodacious stocking!!! -Scooby, Shaggy & Scout
o, Jack, each of them fev-vers be bigger than me is. wow. fev-ver heaven.
We LOVES your stocking - it a toy in and of itself!
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