Warning:content of previous post may not be suitable for younger kitties(as several kitties also pointed out).

I wish to assure all the Lady-kitties out there, that this was just a trick of the camera (the OTW is sneaky that way). While I am of a good, solid weight, appropriate for a gentleman-cat of my age and size, I am in fact quite sleek and svelte as you can see in this picture.
I exercise with guts and jingly balls several times a day, and am fighting trim as they say. I also take plenty of naps and participate in sports such as Tag, Kitty Nascar and Tableleg Wrestling.
By the way, Rascal, another handsome Midnight kitty has a good photo documentary on this sport on his blog today, you should go see it.
As you can see in this picture, I do have a substantial belly pouch. I think this makes me look quite dignified and handsome, don't you?
It's all skin, of course.

Unfortunately, as seen in Monday's post, it also means that when I lay on my back to let the sun warm my belly, and store up solar power for the night, it tends to spread out to all sides and make me look......well, wide.
I do wish my OTW would stop calling it my Belly Floop. And laughing at me when it swings from side to side as I trot.
I hope you Lady-cats will understand, Monday's picture is not a true representation of my appearance, and will not judge me too harshly based on it.

Oh Jack, I have the same problem with my mommy, and my belly. I am a nice 12.9lbs which is good according to my vet. I too play everyday and wrestly my daddy. I also haf a wunderful purty girlfriend named Brandi.
I did happen to hear from Cocoa that Midnight (of Grr, Midnight and Cocoa fame) is still a single lady kitty.
She is a purty panther too...just a thought...
Jack, I think you look very handsome.
I wouldn't worry at all about that belly. My sis Olivia with the kangaroo in her? She's round.
Oh, you are very handsome and certainly fighting fit.
I have that same problem, as you'll recall, Jack. But I've decided (thanks to all of you) that it makes me look distinguished!
You look very distinguished, also.
Jack I fink yu look mighty fierce and handsome! Reow you are a black panther sleathly movin through the jungle.
Pssst I have a single sisfur named Boo who is furry sweet...she is a dainty fink only 8 1/2 pounds of sleek tuxedos.She also curls her tail like you when she lays on da floor.
Jack, I think you's very hamsome manly cat. The last picture of you is furry nice... I asked my beans to print a copy fur me...MROW!
Well, you know Jack, most of us guys who've had our hoo-ha-ectomies do carry a little more in the tummy area. But since your pictures show a very manly physique otherwise, I wouldn't worry about it. Just say it's extra tummy fur.
Jack, I think yo're very handsome.
I weigh 15 pounds! And I have a cat-girlfriend, the lovely Daphne. Don't be afraid to show the manly BELLY. Girls like belly!
Oh My . . . youmust have the ladies clawing your door down!
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