I understand it's Midnight Monday, for us cats of supreme gorgeousness. This picture is from one of my photo shoots where I pose for my Opposable Thumb Wench. She says it's for her art, because my handsome black fur makes for good cat shapes, but I'm beginning to suspect it's really for her private collection of black cat fetish photos......
Hi Jack, nice to meet you! Found you through Grr, Midnight & Cocoa. I put your blog in my list of kitty links!
And it is so cool that your stripey like me, even though my stripes are diffurrent colors.
Hi Jack, good to meet ya. You are a very handsome cat.
And you are .... stripey???? Hmmm.
My kitten, KC, is the "Offyshul Ree-porter" for Catblogosphere, and we'll get your linkie up there ASAP,so everyone can come meet you.
Since you're an all black kitty, you should think about joining Smudge at the House Panthers.
Hi Jack! I saw the link to you on Grr, Midnight & Cocoa's site. Nice to "meet" another blogging kitty! Where do you live? Are you a Mericky kitty? I am a fat ginger living in London. Come and visit me some time!
Hi Jack. We heard about you from Grr, Midnight and Cocoa. Nice to meetyou. You are gorgeous. We will add you to our linkies.
Hi Jack - we just saw a link to you at Grr, Midnight and Cocoa's blog. Come and visit us! It's nice to meet you!
hiiya jacks nice ta meet ya.
Love the name Jack! I too heard about you from Grr's site! Yet another beautiful black kitty to add to my links! Come visit me at Kat's Cat of the Day and submit a couple pix of yourself and I'll post you as cat of the day! Emma also thinks you're very handsome! C-ya around!
Hi, it's nice to meet you all. And thank you for saying I'm gorgeous. I don't hear that enough around here. My Opposable Thumb Wench only says it a dozen times a day. She's so lazy.
Merlin, I like my stipes. they're sneaky stripes, for a sneaky cat!
Mary Lynn, I'll try to find a picture of the stripeys. The OTW takes lots of photos of me in the sun, so there must be some on the 'puter.
Fat Eric, I'm a C'nadian kitty, I just moved way up north to the land of a squillion vishus deer. But I live on the third floor so they can't get me here, and the OTW always stands guard over me when I go exploring in the Out.
I've never been to London before. Is that near Sussex? The OTW says we may move there one day so she can learn more about playing with string, but I don't know, she seems pretty good at it.
Emma's kat? Emma has a cat? The OTW keeps telling me she's gonna get me a kitten to snuggle with and play 2 am Tag, but then she got me Grumpybutt instead. Maybe for Christmas this year I'll get a little brother or sister.
Thank you for the inviting me to submit photos for Cat of the Day. I'll go look for a couple really good ones.
You are mosst lovely. Are your eyes blue?
Thank you, Patches.
They're a pale blueish green. The OTW says they're 'seafoam'.
I'm pretty sure there's no seafoam in my eyes though. 'cause seafoam is usually on smelly water. With fish in it. Yucky fish.
Hey Jack, welcome! We're glad to meet a Canadian kitty. We look forward to learning more about you. (Bathsheba thinks you're very handsome.)
Hi Jack! How cool you have sneaky stripies. Mommy thinks you are so handsome and have the prettiest green eyes. I have yellow eyes and a tiny "angel kiss" on my chest.
I'm trying to get my pikture to work on the comments too. I'm new to blogging too and I love meeting new furry friends.
I am an only kitty so you're lucky to have a furry buddy at home. Stop and see me sometime at
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