Gretchen gave us these lovely teacups as mementos. This one is for Persephone. See the pretty brown-ish tone to the flowers?

And this one with the red (of course) is for me!
Um...but I did notice after we got home we seemd to be missing Persephone's lovely hat. It Kind of looked like this, last time I saw it...

And we went to a lot of blogs to see their knock knock jokes (if we haven't been to yours, we'll be coming round this afternoon). Is anyone missing this?
Well, I'm gonna go poke Persephone, see if she's ready to go visiting....
Oooooooooh.....my head.... Leave me alone Jack! I'm napping!
Hahahahahahaha at Persephone!! ;)
Those were quite the parties too!! I see we both chose the red teacup ;)
That nip Mad Max got sure ws fine! I think I'll be smiling all weekend!
Purrs Mickey
You look cute napping there, Persephone! All the knock knock jokes were great and we had fun at the parties. :)
Aw, poor Persephone is all partied out. I will bring you some tea to make your head feel better from all of that nip. How about some stinky goodness turkey too? I hope I can make you feel better soon.
Oooh! Persephone, I think we might be sisters! You look just like me, or do I look just like you? And I thought I was a 'one off'
We all had so much fun at the tea party.
ooh, sorry that was from me - Sukie, NOT Beetle!
HaHaHa! Looks as though someone had a little too much nip!
That was some party. In fact, I believe I may have lost my hat as well.
Nip hangovers are the WORSE!
Um...did "someone" party too much and come home wearing a lampshade? Better rest today, dear.
Tipper & Misty
Hey Persephone! Thanks for playing pounce wif me and climbing da trees and stuff, I don't get to do dat at home. It was fun!~Speedy
Oh, Persephone! What a riot!
Hahaha! I didn't think she'd be up for visiting. Not with that lampshade still on her head LOL
Thankyou for coming around to wish my SMS a happy birthday. The poor old thing has been working so hard lately. She didn't get home till 11 pm. Good thing I brought some stuffed lobster home from the cruise for her dinner. We celebrated all day for her. What would she would without a caring kitty like me.
Oh sorry for raving on, is there a kitty having a hangover there at your house?
Sounds like a rough party! You would think a tea party would be rather calm but not when cats are involved! Hope you recovered well.
Great Knock-Knock joke too!
~Goldie and Shade
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