Can't you just see how suspicious and skittish she is?
How she shies from human touch?
How she won't even come out to explore? Or even let us see her? At least she's not all skinny fur and bones anymore! This was taken Wednesday. The other one was taken her first day here 3 weeks ago!
Still a frootbat though, with little tufts on the tips of her ears!
And for ML, The view behind Persephone in the first picture. It's the view from my vishus deer guardpost. Persephone's on the top level of the indoor viewing station
Oh yes, not very feral at all! She really us quite a cute little frootbat!
Oh, Persephone, you have reallly gotten all sleek and beautiful in the past 3 weeks! And what big eyes you gots!
Oh, she is just precious. Hasn't she filled out a bit. And so glossy. She looks to be healthy.
And terribly FERAL ;)
One question, in the first photo, is that a picture behind Persephone or is that a view out one of your windows?
I think she looks furry feral!
it's amazing what a bit of love can do in just 3 weeks.
Oh, you look just like I did when I was little (and extremely adorable, of course)!
Sad how she is still so feral
Ooooh! I love black kitties with golden eyes! Persephone is looking very sleek and healthy now. I hope she doesn't beat up on Squeak too much.
Persephone is very cute! She is looking very healthy now. Those tufts on the tips of her ears are adorable!
Oh she's precious! How beautiful.
She's lovely, you're lucky to have such a purrty sisfurr. You have a wonderful view from your window.
Where is dat? Where is dat beeeutiful place you live? Do dem vishus deer run all ofur the place there? Kinda like at our humans's friend's house in da corner of Washinton/Oregun/Idyho?
Oh, Jack, it looks like your OTW has a lot of work to do in taming little Persephone. She's quite the wild thing. . .
Are you getting enough to eat, Jack? With all that growing Persephone has done, we're worried that she's eating all your food too!
Love your view.
o, my mommie ML sez u's haf tha bestest view in tha world.
bet cha can see stars at night, too.
Oh turribly feral. hehehehe She looks all purrty tho :) And Squeak has cute spotties :)
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
Black and beautiful! And now she's well-loved too. The best of all worlds...
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