Oh, man...what a party!

I'm so tired even my pictures are blurry!

Oh! Um...yeah.
Me too.....
Is my paw right?

Thanks for coming over everycat! We didn't scratch up enough stuff, but it was a GREAT party!

Humph. Everycat is all too tired to play. And it's my Gotchaversary and I got no people and when the nice Shannon-Lady-Person comes and opens the door, I'm running away from home!
It *was* a great party, thanks for inviting us all!
Tenzing, is it your Gotcha Day today? Someone needs to let the CB know, have it on the calendar! Happy day!
Oh we are sad we missed the party - mom is always so far behind!
And Tenzing we think that it is awesome today is your Gotchaversary - too bad you are not getting lots of peoples there but we are going to sing to you anyway if that is ok!
What day is today?
It's Tenzing's Gotcha Day!!
What a day for a Gotcha Day!
Let's all have some cake!!
WE hope you don't run away and that you have a wonderful, fun, treat filled Gotcha Day!!
Amy and The House of Cats let us know, Tenzing, but what day is yours Gotcha Day? I's posted it on tha CB as today, so let me know iffen I's wrong, okay.
And you may haf some bisitors today.
I might come back to spend some times wif yours handsome big brofer. :: blushes ::
Love & Purrs,
Ok, we's back.
I's bringed some catmint ice cream and fresh mouse cakes just outta tha oven. We's baking them for Missy Blue Eye's birthday, we just baked extra for Tenzing.
And a few Voles tagged along too, said sumfing about missing Persephone.
So we's playing here for a while, then maybe we can all go back and see Missy and cellybrate hers birthday for awhile?
Now, I's gonna go find Jack.
Love & Purrs,
Happy Gotcha Day Tenzing!
Hey Tenzing, happy Gotcha Day, and many many more!
Happy Gotchaday Tenzing and many moooore!! We had fun at your house trashing party!!
Your TX furiends,
Oh Tenzing! We'll come over and party with you...even though we are kinda tired from all the house trashing we did.
We hope you have a great day in spite of it all!!
Happy Gotchaversary, Tenzing! We missed the party but it looks like it was a fun one.
Awww, don't run away Tenzing, we'z come back wif some more nip and some boxes of Cheez-it crackers and a whole keg of toona joose. Happy Gotcha Day!
Happy Gotcha Day Tenzing! Did somebody say CHEEZ-ITS????
Happy Gotcha Day Tenzing.
Happy Gotcha Day Tenzing!
We had a great time at your house trashing.
Happy Gotcha Day Tenzing.
It looks like you had a great party! And happy belated gotchaversary, Mr. Tenzing! We're very glad you were gotted!
I bet that post made her feel oodles better!
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