Nice fort, huh?

But, biters gonna bite...

...and teach their sistercats too!


Haters gonna hate, man! Er...Mom....Lady... Gimme summa dem ladyfingers!!!
Tenzing, I KNOW you didn't just Talk Like a Gangsta to me....
Bonus Picture!

Jus' hangin' with my Momies, cats!
OTW here: I just wanted to say thank you on behalf of all of us for your purrs for the Big One.
He left today for his mother's place. The memorial will be on the 26th. There wasn't enough money to spare at the moment for both of us to go, and probably just as well, as the trip to the airport 2 1/2 hrs away has turned out to be the first time he's been able to be alone and have some quiet time to sort this all out inside. And he likely won't get any once he's there surrounded by his rather numerous extended family (who I'm profoundly glad he and his mother have).
If you feel so inclined, some continued good thoughts for him as he tries to write a fitting eulogy to say goodbye to his only sibling, so very many years before he ever expected to.
O, you all hafs a wonnerful place to play, it looks like kitty heaven. Wow, all tha boxes and forts and stuffs to play wif. We all talked it over, and we wants to telerport right over. You's gonna need lots of company anyway, right?
We's so sad about The Big One.
And we's still sending him lotsa purrs. One of ours other furriends, Gracie, hers Mommie Steph losted hers brofur last week.
There's nuffin you can do to help, just love them and keep purring for them.
Love & Purrs,
What's a bitey boy gonna do?
Nice of you teach Persephone too!
We send rumbly purrs to The Big One for this sad time.
& Gerry
You're just making your fort a little better!! It's looking great too!!
Purrs to The Big One during this sad time...
That fort is pawsome! Nicki would be eating it too, he's also a cardboard biter. :-)
Continued purrs to the Big One, and to the entire family.
*Kitty kisses* and hugs.
-Fuzzy Tales
Tenzing, you fixed up your fort real nice - it looks MUCH better after you made your adjustments! And you are very cool to get your bro and sis to help out. We're sending purrs to you all during this sad time.
Your friends, Fuzzy and Zoe
RED MENISS!!!!!!! ME likes to bite forts too!!! FUNFUNUN!!!
Orinch Meniss
we is sending the Big One lots of purrrssss.
RED MENISS!!!! ME is on mine way ofur to help wif the boxes!!
Orinch Meniss
You certainly chewed your fort into shape.
We are sending purrs for The Big One.
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