Jack: We have pawned our 'Bronze' to raise the lawyers fees we require after your photo expose of the catnip 'incident', Human.
Also we're taking back our room.
OTW: Nice try, Panther-faces. The Big One and I are bailing him out tomorrow; snipped, chipped, and given a clean bill of health. You have a new brother. Get used to it.
Jack: Heartless wench.
LOL! Too funny.
I've not been following your blog for long, so gather there is a third member of the family going in for neutering, etc.
I look forward to more adventures! So do Annie, Nicki and Derry. :-)
Is Bronze Gingerlocks new name? He is cute and of course he is a nice colour too.
MOL! We bet you will grow to love your new brofur!
Bronze...a new name for Goldilocks?? We love it!
Not naming him 'Bronze'; that was just in reference to the joke about him being the 'bronze' we got in the Cat Olympics! We're leaning toward Augustus (Giz).
But the Big One thinks if we're naming him a grand name like Augustus, then there needs to be more than one name. The OTW suggest aes aeris Augustus. "Bronze Majesty"
No one's suggesting grand names for ME, and who's alpha-cat here?
And I'm the QUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!! It's not fair!
Oh noooooo, Persephone, der will be two boys der! Ack, we haf enuff trouble wif just ONE! Well, maybe if yoo train him properly it won't be so bad.
Hi Jack thanks for visiting our blog and for telling us about that food. Our staff is going to see if we can get it where we live. Hope all goes well with your new brother. Maybe he will be a nice guy.
It'll be fun! You can pounce him an make him moof affer warmin up good sleepin spots! Also, 1 more kitty to blame when fings... suffer frum gravity. Always good to haf anofur Knot Mee!
Yup!!! Moms sure do lay down the law!!!!!!!!!
Panther faces??????? :sigh:: Now Tillie & I are gonna get that one ;
Must say, the little Bronze is kinda cute ;) Maybe he will be fun,heehee
Tha that comment any way that works for you ;) hahahahaha
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
Brothers can be fun--you'll see!
Woo-hoo! The little guy is going to grow up to be a big man cat, and he's going to be well-loved forever!! We love to read these stories! Congratulations from all of us (also formerly homeless) Good Cats!
Ha ha ha ha ha! "Snipped, chipped"!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
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