Wednesday, November 14, 2007

White Wednesday


PS. Yes, I got chin scritches!


ZOOLATRY said...

Oh gosh... snow already? Already? Oh dear...

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Ack!!! Look at all that white stuff!!! We had a light dusting of snow this morning, but it's melted already.

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

That is a lot of wet white stuff!

Anonymous said...

OOOOH Snow! Our leaves aren't even gone yet.

Persephone (kisses) and Jack, the BCCP pawty has been moved to this Thursday. Hope you can make it.

Tybalt said...

Wow . . .snow before Thanksgiving!



It's 80 degrees and sunny here in Florida you wanna come over for a visit?

Abby and Boo

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Oh wow - snow! Is it early for snow? Living in Georgia, we do not get to see much of it...

Anonymous said...

Oh my. When you said white, I was thinking of a white cat...

LZ said...

I know you're a lot more North than us but still....white stuff? Ick.


Daisy said...

Brrrr! I hopes you stay warm!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Ugh, what a miserable display of nature. Mom hates snow, she keeps telling dad that we need to get out of here...

Sunny's Mommy said...

Better you than us :-p

The Furry Kids said...

That's a lot of snow! We've only had flurries here so far. Momma's already wishing it was summer time again.

Mr. Hendrix said...

ack! no no no keep that stuff up north. no snow! no snow! *shivver*

great job on getting chin scritches...

The Crew said...

Oh no! Don't send that our way!

Anonymous said...

What in the heck? Snow?

Ivan from WMD said...

Snuggle time!!

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

Wow, look what happened to your place! We're in the 60's and still have lots of leaves, on the ground and in the trees! Luckily, I still have sunshine in my porch too!

Purrrrrs, China Cat

Parker said...

Yup, it's coming our way too!

Shilgiah the Cat said...

Oh wow! I love love love snow! Want to trade houses for awhile. you can come and stay with Tommy and Mom and I will come to vishus deer country. We loves the snow!!!

Just Ducky said...

SNOW. I remember your party and the place looks so much different with snow. Stay warm.

Millie said...

Mom says you keep that snow where you are! She doesn't want ANY of it!

(But I think it looks pretty!)

Hi Persephone! (Millie waves paw!)

Shaggy and Scout said...

Oh Jack! Our sympathies!
We have only had flurries so far.

The Cat Realm said...

Hello Jack, I am so excited - Karl let's me blog a bit! And I gave you an award!
It's Emil from The Cat Realm

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Dearest Jack! I hope you do not think me too ungracious of a kitty for taking such a long time to return your visit. You can only imagine how happy I was to see you come cheer me on while I was so very sick. Mommy was heartbroken and thought for sure I would not regain any of my spirit and was prepared for the worst. But I was worth a small miracle. With your purrrayers and some good medicine, I have regained my strength day by day. Mommy would not have made it through her worries about me without your comfort. Each night we keep you in our prayers and wish you endless Blessings this Thanksgiving season.
Love and hugs from our house to yours, Miss Peach and the mommy

Hot(M)BC said...

Oh wow, we hopes yall are stayin warm up there!
Happy Fanksgiving (yall can borry ours hehehe)
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Gree and Pepi

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Happy Thanksgiving from KC and Missy Blue Eyes and the other 11 cats sharing our home.
Thank you so much, Jack, for inviting KC to the wonderful party AND teleporting over and helping her kitten wrangle the next day.
ML (Mary Lynn)


KC said...
O, Jack, did u's get mine pickshure?
Purrs, KC

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to the most beautiful wonderful girlfriendcat in the universe.

Jack, you are a good friend too.

Purrs and Hugs,
Batman and Family

Tiger Lily said...

Snow! Look at all your snow! We had snow this morning but it didn't stay very long. The ground is bare again. Happy Thanksgiving!