Thursday, November 08, 2007

IDYA #3: DUYS (Dress Up Your Staff)

As I mentioned before my humans ALWAYS dress silly!!

I mean, really!

So I tried dressing them up sober. It's the silliest thing I could think of! And my OTW would hate it as much I hate wearing costumes!

So after searching long and hard I found this outfit hidden deep in her closet where only we cats ever go! The Big One actually owns a few suits 'cause he needs them for work. I even dug around in the bathroom and found some make-up she had tried to hide behind the Bandaids, and made her do her hair all neat and tidy! But it sure was hard getting them to keep a straight face!

Stop giggling!!!

Right, knock that off!

Hey! Opposable Thumb Wench! PAY ATTENTION!!! Big One, stop talking to your spy buddies!!

Oh now come ON!!! Guns and glasses don't just appear out of nowhere!!

Right! HA! Gotcha!!!


Anycat want a couple of humans? Cheap?


The Cat Realm said...

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha - this is soooooo good! I am laughing and laughing!!! I think I like your humans!!! Wonderful idea to put them in those "normal" clothes" - somehow they still look silly...
I bet you have a lot of fun with them, always!
Anastasia would be very very proud of you!!!
Thank you sooooo much for accepting this challenge, I really appreciate it and I am still laughing....
We will all vote tomorrow and Saturday for viewer's favorite, so check back for that!
Your friend Karl

jenianddean said...

Those are great! My beans think your beans are very funny!!

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Anonymous said...

He he he he! *rolling over with great laughter*.

Your humans are cute! You guys must have lots of fun!


~Kisses to Persephone~

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

Oh, Jack, you do have the funniest beans!! But you really did come up with absolutely purfect outfits for them!

I Love It! I bet that your house is lots of fun!

Purrrrrs, China Cat

Anonymous said...

It is so difficult to get humans to cooperate. Very good job.

Daisy said...

That is too funny! When you live with such fun, creative types the only real dress up is to wear regular clothes!

Patty Nason said...

Hahah - you guys look so cute! Not sure if you say this on the Catster home page, but I wanted to stop by to let you know about a cool offer Catster and Shutterfly have right now - where you can get free photo cards of your beautiful kitties...check it out!

The Furry Kids said...

Those beans look like a lot of fun. I'd probably hang on to them if I were you. Our beans are not nearly that much fun.


Team Tabby said...

Your post is hilarious! How did you get them to cooperate, huh? Great job!

Moe & Mindy

Mickey's Musings said...

Did yer beans screech and holler when you made them dress normal? Bwahahahaha!!!!!
You musta offered to share a couple of Temptations huh?

Sunny's Mommy said...


Anonymous said...

Muhahahahahaha....Jack, you have done a wonderful job!!! They look so..... uhh... hahahaha .... uhhh..., silly sober....hahahahah !! :-D

No, Jack, you're not gotta sell your humans, they are sooo great, keep them!!

Parker said...

I bet your humans are a lot of fun to live with! Don't give them away! Keep 'em!

Anonymous said...

Hey guess what? I got a sister!

Lux said...

Oh, those pictures are *great - I'm chuckling!!! :)

Boy said...

Hahaha...That's just hiwawious!

Anonymous said...

Hehe, what great photos! Spy humans - why would you want to sell them? They look like fun! :D

Jack, I've tagged you for a meme over at my blog. Swing by for the details if you'd like to participate! :)

Leslie said...

LOVE IT! What a great post!