Guess what I am for Halloween!!!!!
Well? Whadja guess?
What am I?
A Frootbat!!!! Heeheehee
So. My OTW PROMISED me last year no costumes!
I was really really patient and posed for a sqillionth of a second so she could take this picture and enter me in the "The Make-Me-Ware-Anything-but-a-Smile-and-I'll-Skratch-Yer-Frikkin-Eyes-Owt Award", but my OTW only has MSPaint to work with and sucks at making pictures on the computer.
So she made me put this on.
She's just lucky I really only growl a little.
And that she gives really good tummyrubs.
Stupid costume.
I'm Doctor Doom. Good thing she decided not to push her luck and include the hood.
On the other hand, it's just one of her silk handkerchiefs, so it doesn't even qualify for the handmade costume contest. Unless the fact that she made my World herself counts? She even made the ball from a scrap of fabric bunched up and wrapping it eleventy-eight squillion times with string until it was round!
At least I'm a scary Evil Dictator!
~Dr "Jack" Doom
I LOVE both of your costumes! Especially the frootbat though. I love it!!
Wow, Persephone, yoo make a grate bat! We don't do clothes eether, Jack. We is not effun entering da contest cuz mom is lame wif foto manipulashun too.
You have a beautiful costume!!!
I will show you mine tonight.
Kisses and Hugs
You look cool as Dr. Doom. My daddy likes that character.
Persephone,you look marvelous as a "frootbat",heehee
Jack,we understamd you don't like costumes,but if you are forced to wear one, A big strong character does not hurt. You look big & strong ;)
Tillie & Georgia
Persephone, that is a fabulous frootbat costume! Jack, I like your Dr. Doom costume, too. Especially the little world.
I love your costumes. I wish I had a cape, I had to wear a stoopid hats and I hate hats.
Dr. Doom was very good in those movies. Scary. You're supposed to growl, you're Dr. Doom!
I think both of them would be great entries :-)
You're very scary, Jack.
You know Persephone dear, you're looking so much like Jack now, we're having trouble telling you apart. Maybe you should wear a pink collar so we know when it's you!
Your friend
Those were great!
Love the scary bat pose! Pity we don't have Halloween in a big way this part of the world.
Meow - Oh man, that's one semi-patient kitty...;) Would you like to enter these photos into Catster's World's Coolest Dog and Cat Show? We would love to have you enter! It's free, there's some awesome prizes, and you can vote on your favorite photos. Meow!
You guys are both super askeery! Those are some huge bat wings!
Ooooo, ya look good wif wings!
Congratulations on your honourable mention in the contest, Persephone! I voted for you because those wings were just so amazing and beautiful. If cats could fly, I hope that we'd have wings like that. Jack, your costume was awesome too... I can identify a little too well with the desire for world domination!!
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