Jack: We could use some purrs for rain and good thoughts. The air smells funny and burny and it's making us sneeze!

The OTW says Northern Alberta's on fire.

Persephone: There are lots of noisy people running around outside my place and I'm tired of having to growl and hide.

Mommy's upset, and I think Daddy's tired of growling and running outside too.

Tenzing: Hey Mom-Lady! Why does my window smell all funny? Why did you close it?

Hey! Mom-Lady! Why can't I go in this bag? Why are you putting my toys in there? And my beds? Hey, my tunnel!
Opposable-Thumb-Mommy-Lady: Tenzing, you have plenty of other toys out and your BIGGER tunnel. And I closed the window because I can't breathe. Persephone-sweetie, the noisy people can't come in here I promise. Bless you, Jack!
Cat mommies and Daddies and Food Ladies and such, I need a quick second opinion. This is what I've got in my:
Cat Emergency Evacuation Bag
~1 Pop-up Cat-Containment Unit (in case of ending up somewhere they're not allowed to roam free)
~6 cans of gooshy fuds (they don't get a lot per day, so that should last about 2-3 weeks)
~2 week supply of kibble
~1 bag of Tem-tay-shuns
~1 set of plastic food and water dishes
~1 cat/small dog travel kit (fold-out basket and pad, collapsible food and water bowls)
~1 "40 paws" hammick (YAY! It's collapsible and easy to pack)
~1 fleece blanket
~1 piece of studio drop-cloth covered in Jack furs ( I gave up on getting it off)
~1 fuzzy cat bed (one of the three Jack got for his birthday; not collapsible, but squishy)
~1 collapsible play-tunnel for Red Menisses, for to keep occupied
~1 large ziploc baggie containing catnip playthings
~1 small tin of catnip
~1 spare cardboard scratcher
~1 (allegedly {sure... if you're all 3 feet tall!}) 3-man dome tent for secondary Cat-Containment Unit (currently in our trailer-can be fetched quickly if evac notice leaves us enough time, will try to get sooner, all three cats CANNOT go in the one small CCU)
~1 covered cat litter box for Miss Elevator-Butt's CCU (can be grabbed from studio if not fleeing quickly, will fake it with garbage bag if necessary)
In car:
~2 disposable cat litter pans
~2 additional boxes of litter
Am I missing anything? (none of them require medication, and our first aid kit includes anything we might use on the cats without vet supervision)
Oh, and in case anyone's worried... We are listed as in the Disaster Area. But the last time I checked, the nearest fire is still 100km away (61mi) and has been stalled there a while. It is listed as 'out of control' and the wind is blowing it in this direction, but the winds are dying, the temperatures are dropping (it's actually below 10C (below 50F) now) and we're expecting rain soon. We are NOT under evacuation notice or alert and they don't expect us to be. Our biggest threat at the moment is smoke making breathing difficult.
Oh Jack, we hope those fires do not get to your home!!!!!!! We have lots of rain and would gladly send some to you. It is sad that so many people have lost homes already in Alberta :(
Your emergency kit sounds good. We will think hard to see if you need to add anything.
We are sending BIG purrs to you!!!!!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia
ohmygosh - how scairty! TENZING!!!! You can all come here and stay safe wif us!!!
It looks like you have everything covered from a cat emergency evacuation perspective - please don't forget your own supplies!!!!
How scary. We will be purrin' for you and everyone up there. The list looks good - but we agree with the Meezers...be sure to take some stuff for the parents too!! Keep safe!!!
We've seen some of the coverage about the fire wiping out so many homes and businesses in Slave Lake (and surrounding area). We're purring you all will be safe and won't have to evacuate.
We've heard about the fires and we are purring for all of those affected. We hope you all will be safe!
(We have had so much rain here lately...we wish we could send it to you!)
Oh, how awful! We hope the fire doesn't get there.
You should have some bottled water. Or your own water in leak-proof containters.
Paws crossed.
Lizzie & 3 kitties
Sounds like the cats are well prepared if you have to go. We hope that things don't get any closer. We would be happy to send you some rain if we could as that's all we seem to have.
Your fire situation is worse than ours.
We's been under fire watches the past few days, but nuffin near by.
Looks like it is close to you.
Why don't all of you telerport over here to Texas wif us????
We bofs need rain really bad.
We's sending you purrs and purrayers for rain... I might even do a rain dance.
Love & Purrs,
It would be so much better if I could give you some of the rain here, since it has been raining everyday for the past few days. Some areas have flood watch.
What you might want to do in terms of disaster gear is check online for guidelines in what to do if you have to leave. It seems as if you are as prepared as can be in these worrying times
We'd only suggest you put on collars with name tags if you have usually wear them and throw a file with cat docs, maybe a couple of pictures in with the emergency supplies-just in case one of you gets loose.
Otherwise it looks like you're covered. We hope it doesn't get to the point where you have to evacuate. We've got our paws crossed for you!
Hedley and Simon
Oh, that is so scary. We are purring and praying for you guys. Please be safe.
It sounds like you'll be spared the worst of the fire, and we are very glad to hear that. Still, you were well prepared for the worst.
We hope you are all ok. We have a lot of smokey air every year when the farmers burn their fields, but we rarely get the out of control burning like you're having. It still makes us sneezy!
TENZING!! JACK!! PERSEPHONE!!! Is you all ok? Is your bad air gone???
this is verreh scary, please keeps us updated. teh emergency kit sounds excellent. from kitteh perspektive, teh only thing missing is elebenty more bags of temtayshuns.
Really..... You seem to be a handy photographer..........Just loved the pics..... Keep it up.......
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