(Well, she left today for FIVE WHOLE DAYS! She shouldn't have left us kitties if she didn't want the place messed up again, right?)

Persephone: We have a wonderful soft plushy new couch to fur and scratch! And it's good to nap on!

Tenzing: We got tunnels and tents for TENT WARS!!!!!
J: And GUTS to play with!

T: And more tents!
P: And more beds!
J: And windows to watch birds from!

T: And Mount Kittymanjaro!
P: And MORE beds!
T: And a ball to play FEETSBALL with!


J: Cardboard stairs to climb!
T: And Mount McKatley! With a TREEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

J: And if you want the little Spazmo to play 'Sherpa' with you and keep him out of MY furs, there's always Mount Meowverest!
Even better the 'necessaries' are by the front door! STINK BOMB TIME!!!!!
P: And there are even MORE-more beds in the other rooms!!!

J: Come trash our place with us! It's a lot smaller, so we can probably do more damage! There's plenty of Kibble for all! And there's a restaurant right below us! We raided the kitchen for MEATS!!! Lots of fishes and chickens and beefs and porks and tunas!!! And all kinds of vegetables for any buns or rats or fev-ver-makers who stop by and help!
T: OH!! And bestest news! Mom-Lady says she talked to the people who belong to Upstairs Neighbour-cat, and he’s all better! He still has a little bit of a limp, but he’ll be fine. And he’s grounded from the Balcony for LIFE! (ok, that’s not good news, especially if new Downstairs Neighbour-cats move in…). The Purrs worked! THANK YOU!!!
Oh man, we are so ready to trash and your new place looks like it needs it!! ;-)
Hey, we like that bed with the eyes!!
WE is on our way ofur!!!
TENZING!!! TRASHTRASHTRASH! The Orinch and Red Menisses can do LOTS of damage!!!! - BILLY
We are heading right over for the house-trashing! Can't wait!!!!
Hey.... I've never been to a house trashing party before! I love to scratch carpet - can I come do that? My sister is a goody two shoes, so I'll leave her at home.
I better brings Tenny and Spencer with me. Yoo gots so much fun stuff this house trashing is gonna take sum time! WOWIE
This looks like a great deal of fun!
Any kitties like climbing? Me and the ORINCH MENISS need help making Mount McKatley all tilty!!! If we get lots of kitties it can be all twisted by the time the peoples come back! And the Ebil Arch-Nemesis Mom-Lady-Person hogs all our toys in that Big Red Lidded box on Mount Kittymanjaro! If we work together we can knock it down and pry open the lid and play with the SQUILLLION toys in it! And chew the strings apart on the other tunnels! And pull out the fishie-sacks!
~Red Meniss
HOUSE TRASHING! We is on our way. Did yoo invite upstairs cat? Yoo should, da more da messier!
House trashing? Oh, we are sooooo there! We're bringing our woofie siblings and the two big ones can test the springs on the new couch.
So glad the neighbor kitty will be okay and won't be able to fall off the balcony again.
Hi there Kitties, I don't think we've met before but I saw on the CB that you were having a party. My boys will be right over!
Miss Persephone - Thank you for your personal invitation - I would love to come to your party and take naps with you. And my sister, Zoe, is a huge brat - she's a nutjob. It must be an orange thing.
Your new friend, Fuzzy
We love a house trashing party!! We'll be the first ones to climb Kittymanjaro...it's no match for the Four CRAZY Cats!
WOOHOO! This is such a pawsome pawty!
This is an excellent trashing party! We brought some meowgaritas!! Now....where can we find some closets to shed our furs in???
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Did I hear right? Is it a 5 DAY trashing?! We'll be right over.
Hello effuryone! We is here to help trash tha place! I bringed mine voles! HOP OUT VOLES AND HAVE A GREAT TIME!!! Oh, do you mind if the Voles don't use the "necessary"...they tend to just go...where ever! Hee Hee Jack....there you are....let's play!!!
Love, KC
BILLY.....you are here! Wanna::blush blush::play::blush::with me?
Missy: I want to try out some of that great good and then pounce on something!!!
BJ, SMOKEY AND SOL: We are going to be swinging from the ceiling. Then how about THoE????
The Taylor CatSSSSS have teleported over to help with the trashing!!!
What a great party!!!
Oh, the food is great!
I brought the leftover goodies from my purrthday party. So we don't have to go anywhere to find foods. Now where is the nearest dirt to dig in.
The Pink Flamingo Kitties have some primo c-nip they will bring.
It's organic!
The Pink Flamingo Kitties
Doc Holiday
Mommy Cat
Bat Masterson
Bubbles Silverman
Hoss Cartwright
Oh boy! Bendrix and I are here! We need this party bad. We're totally going to trash this place. Claws out, gag reflexes on high alert and lets go!
We are SO THERE! Ayla is in charge of pushin books off the shelves from behind, and I am in charge of whppin pens off the tables and down the stairs! And don't let me at unrollin the TP...
Cool! I love house trashing parties. I'll be right over.
House trashing is the BEST! We're coming over now! :)
When we saw the first picture we thought someone had sat on you and squished you!
We will be right over for house trashing.
We are glad upstairs neighbour kitty is okay.
We are on our way!
::sharpens claws::
Sorry I's so late... I's here wif The Voles. Tha entire Houston Voles is here.
The Taylor CatSSSSS will stop by later wif tha East Coast Voles.
Maybe a couple of them can set up in yours house, Jack, and you can haf tha Canadian Voles?
Anyway, let's TRASH.
Love & Purrs,
We are right behind KC with carriers full of lively voles.
Come on catSSSSS, let's party.
J: Oh! The studio has a lot of bins of fabric and threads that would be *perfect* for vole-homes, I bet!
T: VOLES! I wanna box of VOLES!!!!! I will pat them and lick them and call them Lunch!
J: You're not supposed to EAT the voles, Tenzing!!!
T: Oh. What are the voles for, then?
J: Ask KC to explain it!
T: KC!! KC!! Why do you have voles??
P: Hey, somekitty help me get this nip-tin open! The other one's empty, and this one's stuck!
Jack, it's a long story.
I furst finked of Voles as lunch, mineself. Too. They's fat and round and yummy, I agrees.
But, in keeping the voles nearby, I became furriends wif them. They's fast and fun to chase, and when tha game is over, we all go and haf some food together.
Iffen you like, we will designate you, Jack, the keeper of the Northern Voles. But you cannot eat them. Understood????
Try running after them, they is lightning fast and so much fun.
Then you can go fill up on ham (yum) or fishies.
And I's bringed a big plate of fresh, warm mouse cakes fur our breakfast today. Plus some catnip tea.
Congrats on that new place!!!
It looks great and purrfect for trashing!!!!!!!! We are going to have a ball!!!!!!! WOOT!!!!!!!
We are so happy your neighbour kitty is OK :)
Let's party!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Yay, the voles are here. I wanna chase them all over. I promise not to kill or eat them.
We're going to pop some corks on dat wine rack. Our stingy ole biped won't buy anything but diet coke at our house.
Oh my gosh!! We hope we are not too late for the house trashing party!! Looks like loads of fun and we just love the new place!!
Your TX furiends,
Cheezit!! It's the humans!!!! EVERYCAT SCATTER!!! TAKE THE LEFTOVERS WITH YOU!!!!!
::GAG:: Oh my GOD! What the (bad werd) crawled up your butts and DIED there, cats??!?! It smells like there were a couple HUNDRED cats here while we were gone! And a dozen DOGS!!! And whole armies of RODENTS!!!!! How much did you guys EAT?!?!
OH MY GOD, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY *HOUSE*??!?!? It was CLEAN! It was neat!
How did you get the toybox open?!? The CATNIP TINS?!?!? The **WINE** BOTTLES??!?! WHAT are all these little pellets on the floor??!? How did you manage to hack up so many hairballs???
looks like a PAWSOME place to trash.
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