Friday, March 26, 2010

See? I'm RIGHT!

Deploy the catnip, humans!

See? I was right! It's not because of Tenzing!! He's in on it!!!


Kea said...

LOL! Jack, you look a bit unsure about Tenzing's proximity!

The Crew said...

Hey Tenzing, we gave you an award!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Wow! Tenzing the peacemaker.

Turkey Cats said...

Yeah Tenzing!

The Island Cats said... we know something is going on!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hey, human, stop telling our beans about dis! Stop right now or face da wrath of all da furries! Okay, really, we is not plotting against yoo hoomans, we need dem opposable thumbs. Sometimes yoo just need a frend to cuddle wif. Even Zippy, da crabby b*tch, is letting up on da hissing, swatting and let's us near. Sometimes...

Just Ducky said...

Hmmm, plotting a first, panthers against ginger. Now yes, total feline domination!

Anonymous said...

hmm. curiouser and curiouser.

Ivan from WMD said...

Somebody's breached the panther box!

Fat Eric said...

Awwww...the house panther cuddling pics in the previous post were cute, but how great to see that Tenzing is accepted enough to snuggle with a house panther! How long did this snuggle last before hostilities were resumed???

Shilgiah the Cat said...

Hi! Very cool picture! Have your people had as busy a month in April as our mom has? Take care.

Everycat said...

Tenzing is not only involved, he's probably the CEO of the new box snuggling regime.

Whicky Wuudler