Is there anyone out there who knows Maine Coons really well who can confirm or reject our theory that this (rather large for only 5 months) kitten is possibly at least part Maine Coon?
We are certain he's about 5 months, based on tooth growth. He had both adult fangs fully grown(ish) on his lower jaw last week, as well as milk fangs still, which he lost over the weekend, and his upper adult fangs are about halfway in. At least one baby molar is also gone.

This curly floof on his neck and chest extends pretty much over his entire belly, but his arms and back are more medium hair length. It's super silky too, but I suppose that could just be because he's still a kitten.

He has major between-the-toe floof as well on both front and back paws.

And major tail floof, though I wouldn't describe it as 'heavily-furred' necessarily.

I don't know enough about the breed to say, maybe Wendy at LOLCats will chime in!
He's gorgeous, though, no matter what his genetic makeup!
we doesn't know if he's maine coon or not - but he looks a LOT like our gramma trixie used to look (she was a furry rare female long haired ginger cat). Oh and the mom wented SQUEEEEEEEEE at the pikshur with his tongue.
We don't know, but we do know he is a handsome ginger boy.
We think he does indeed look like a Maine Coon! The Woman actually met one that looked just like him and as an adult weighed 30 lbs!!!!
He is totally adorable no matter what he is!
He is gorgeous whatever he is, hopefully others will know.
Whatever he is, he's a handsome guy.
Awwwwww!!! Such a cutie he is!! Very handsome , too!
Your TX furiends,
Poor Kid! Still tryin to figger out him's name, an ya want his breed, too? Him's a gorgeous ginger, acourse!
Um, Mom's no exspurt, but she'd ges he's a Maine Coon.
We think he looks like quite a good sized to be fellow!
We don't know if he's a Maine Coon or not...but he sure is cute!!
Whatever breed or mix he is, he sure is cute!
Gosh, sorry we can't help on the Maine Coon question, but we can tell he'll grow up to be one handsome Mancat, that's for sure! Ask your vet for a professional opinion.
Yeah, he haf da look of Maine Coon in him. Dey gets really big and grow slow so he may end up being a really big boy. Either way he's furry handsome.
Typically pure Maine Coon's have tufted ears. Check out a kitten picture of Wendy's Dante at http://allaboutlacocoondante.blogspot.com/2010/01/all-about-dante-and-his-birthday-date.html.
His tail certainly hints he'll be a floofy guy for sure!!
~Lisa Co9T
hmm, i wonder what you are, little orange kitteh... my mommeh says probably not a full maine coon, probably a little something else mixed in there also.
I think he is the breed of cat called ExtraCute.
Oh he's adorable!!!!!
Bless your hearts for taking him in and giving him the love he needs and deserves!!
Mum isn't a breeder, but having lived in Maine for many years, thinks he definitely qualifies as a 'shag' as the old Down Easters say.The tufty toes and ears are good clues. Usually, it takes a year or two before they get the ginormous cat look. 'That Yankee Cat, the Maine Coon by Marilis Hornridge is a good guide.
Adorable, no matter what!
Whatever he is, he is a cutie!!!
We aren't sure - but we think it is very possible with the floofy tail and the big size! We are sure he is 100% cute though!
Not an expert on breeds but we sure know a cutie when we see one.
Maine Coon?????
Extra Cute...oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
dunno, but he's certainly a cutie!!! welcoming headbonks to him!
I'm not sure, but Wendy at LOLCats has a Maine Coon and CCL Carm at http://cclcarm.blogspot.com/ has several Maine Coons. Maybe they can help.
awwwwww so cute whatever he is!
What a handsome kitteh! We love his toehawks!
Thanks for attending Cookie and Caramel's Coming-Out Party last week!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
My Mommie had a Maine coon a long time ago and she lived to be 19. Females aren't the big cats that males are. It was only recognized as a breed in the 70s so there are lots of kitties around that may fit the description but not the CFA requirements. I look a little like you; the animal shelter called me a "domestic medium hair."
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