Last month Mommy was looking for something and looked under the couch and saw mousies so she told Daddy to lift it up for her to get them out 'cause it would be faster than using her Mousie-Fetcher-Outer stick. Here I am counting my trophies!
1 nip ravioli
1 heart
1 makeup brush
1 piece of paper
1 paper bowtie
11 mousies (including one stuck ON the couch- look by Jack's Stinky Butt!)
So Mommy gathered them all up and put them on my vishus reindeer rug so I could...admire... them!

Couple days ago, Mommy lost her camera lens cap and she remembered Jack playing 'spiciously around the couch.
So Mommy made Daddy lift up the couch again, and lookit what she found me THIS time!
1 camera lens cap (See? he's getting COAL for Christmas!)
1 paper bowtie
1 cat furball from my comb
7 mousies!
So Mommy gathered them all up and put them on my vishus reindeer rug so I could...um...admire them again!

Then Mommy heard noises around the couch and got 'spicious, and made Daddy lift the couch AGAIN, so she could look under 20 minutes later and lookit what she found!
4 mousies!

I am a very good mousie hunter! I caught one...two..seven...elebenty...lots of mousies this month!
See me catching this flying one?

Also, today's my Gotchaversary! This was me three years ago on my first day home!
But it's not a very good Gotchaversary so far. All the lights went out yesterday, and then Mommy and Daddy went out for a squillion naps, and the lights came back on but the house was cold then, and even though Mommy turned the heat WA-A-A-A-A-A-AY up, it won't stop being cold, and I was all snuggled in the box on the table beside Mommy, and Jack kept coming and bugging me and Mommy 'cause he want the box (he's gonna get coal, I tell you!) until Mommy took me OUT OF THE BOX, and let him have it! And then she snuggled me in her sweater, but I didn't want to snuggle in her sweater I was comfy in my box, and then Jack got out of the box and ran away anyway!
Also, it's really really really cold outside. I don't like it. Batman, can I come over to your place? Mommy's not making my place warm enough.
Well that is some collection of mousies you two have. Happy Gotchanniversary! You look so cute in your 1st day home picture. Hope it gets warmer for all of you!
~Lisa Co9T
Happy Gotcha Day! Let's have some ham! And then knock more mousies under the sofa!
Mousies! ROWR! 11 is da magic number - dat's how many Mom got out frum unner da stove. Mom finded my Mousifur in da coat closet an I's sooooo happy him is back! I dropped him in Dad's boot. Sumone put a plastic cap in Mom's boot. Is all grate fun!
For warm, go unner a blanket wif Mom. Dat's da bestest.
Happy, happy gotchaversary! Hope things warm up real soon.
Happy Gotchaversary to you. That is a good collection of mousies.
Happy Gotcha Day!! Have fun hunting those mousies!! We wonder what we would find under our couch??
I say, why HAVE a couch if you can't keep stuff under it!
Happy Gotcha Day, Persephone! I hope you get warm soon!
Happy Gotcha Day, and thanks so much for playing Hunt Week. I LOVE those little mice and I have a zillion hiding somewhere in the house. I should have Mom move the couch!
Happy Gotcha Day! My two cats hide their mousies under our couch too... it's like a treasure chest down there!
Wow, you really know how to play, Lady P! Happy 3rd Gotcha Day from all of us Good Cats!
It is very warm at our house. Mommy got us some new snuggly warm beds to sleep in. Come on over! We can have turkey and nip.
Happy Gottchaversary!
How wonderful!! I'm going to ask Dad to move some furniture tonight and I'll see how many toys I can find.
Your friend
I'm impressed with your collection of mousies etc. Under furniture is the best place for hiding!
Merry Catmas Persephone and Jack . We hope you have a wonderful day with your family and get lots of presents.
Batman, Riley, Reggie and Abby
PS We are having fun at Grandma and Grandpa's house today.
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