We wanted to post pictures of the aftermath, but the humans were both so dead they couldn't remember where the camera had gone, and they just brought it back into the house today, and the OTW was feeling better a couple days ago and cleaned it up.
(ed. from OTW: and you might have gotten to blog sooner if you little hellions hadn't done such a number on the house! Pair of Basement Cats, the both of you! And tempting your friends into your misbehaving! Honestly! Ouch! No licking with fangs, Jack!)

I'm making sure she doesn't go away any time soon though!

Persephone too!
And we're now announcing the names of my ratty minions! We got a lot of good suggestions, and we liked them and thank you, (especially for those who suggested names that were important to them) but in the end, as much as we liked all the names, my favourite suggestion was from Chey who said "Haminal" which made the OTW think of Hannibal. No, not the icky guy from the movie, Hannibal the ancient Cartiginian military commander. And she thought we should name them all after famous generals and warriors (but not kings- 'cause they're my minions, and I RULE them with an Iron Paw!!!!).
And I liked everycat's suggestion of calling them food. So I've decided I'm going to call MY rats, the General Foods International Army!
I have 11 names so far!
and his father, HamiCARP Barca
AlexHAMder the Great (wait, he's a king.....)
Kublai K'HAM (Khan, which is a kind of king...)
BEIF Eriksson
HAMratio Nelson
HAMurabi (king too...)
GilgaFISH (another king...)
SPAMerlane (another Khan)
Ok, maybe king names are good too!Can anycat else think of any others?
The OTW's favourite idea was using word verifications for names from Gandalf, Grayson and Whitey, and she tried to convince me to use that one, but they're MY ratty-minions!!!!
Anyway, I heard her say to the Big One she needs 66 MORE rats so she can sing
99 plague-ridden rats on the wall!
99 plague-ridden rats!
If one of those ratties should happen to fall,
98 plague-ridden rats on the wall!!
She's already got about 40 good names from that!
Frick and Frack are what we're going to name the Info-Ferrets!

And for those of you who want to know just how fast it goes from sorta warm summer to the North Pole around here, look at this picture taken yesterday, and then look at the first picture in the last post, taken 1 week earlier!
I'm moving to Australia! I just have to figure out how!
Also Persephone and me are on Twitter!!! We're gonna try it out for the OTW! We tried to find as many of our friends as we could, but you can come by and add us and we'll add you if you're not on our list already!
This is me:Jackofallshades
And this is Persephone:PersephoneQueen
We're glad the OTW is home now! But we sure had fun trashin' your house! And we like the generals names for the rats!!
We're on Twitter...even though we don't tweet alot...@theislandcats.
you both are so cute! I wish meowmy taught us how to Twitte.... but she is pretty clueless when it comes to it :(
Anyways, purrrrsss!
The house trashing party was a blast!!!
Such great names for your General Foods International army!
House trashing party, now that sounds intresting. Did you have a fun time with it? Glad everyone is home and you all are back together.
That is quite a hold you have on your OTW Jack!! heehee
We love the names and the name of the army :)
Have fun with your beans !!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Way to go, Jack! I hope the OTW understands!
King Gorge III?
Hulius Scissor?
Chance Ellor Freder Ick?
Charlie Magnus?
Sir Rex-A-Lot?
Tudor Pantry?
Just some thoughts, MOL!
Oh man! We missed another house trashing party! We will try not to miss the next one....bwahahahaha!
invite me to the next party! i will help with the trashing >^_^<
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