Funday Sun!!!

(You have to click the link, the picture is just screen capture.)
You click on the light circles and turn them dark, and try to herd the kitty into a closed circle to catch it before it makes it's way to the edge and scampers away (you have to keep clicking to make a smaller circle until the kitty has nowhere to jump). But every time you click a circle, the cat jumps to another circle! It's a sneaky-puss!
I remember sun...we used to have that. It was nice. It warmed mah belleh!
I bet you like your belly tickled too, huh? The sun will come back and warm your tummy again...nice photo of tabby panthers...! :)
Heh, mom can do da Sunday fun in da funday sun...
No sun here this Sunday...mom sez she's played this game before over and over again...and the kitty always wins!
Oh yes, the Woman had a great deal of fun with that for awhile...
We wish we had some sun to. Mum said that kitty was driving her nuts cuz it kept escaping.
I too was enjoying the sun today. Looks like you are having the sunshine at your place too. Enjoy.
We want summa' dat sun. We ain't had none 'round here fur a long and long time.
bean thought she switched her letters again, but you actually spelled it the way she sopmetimes sees things. lol. we liked the title. clever. great picture!!!
Why would we want to try to keep a handsome black kitty from going where he wants? Such a silly game! ;-)
Have a little faith, the sun will come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar...
The game looks like fun. I will try it sometime when I have more time. The sun will return to warm your belly, hopefully before Spring.
Way down here, we get sunny days throughout the winter, though the cold stays.
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