Several hours later.....
The Mom-Person hid all her good Pooh toys, but I think I've found a good substitute. Is anyone looking?
Hmmmm...no alarms going off.
Alright! Let's grab one of these babies!
Gaw wwn!!!
Oh no you don't! You're not escaping me you little cat toy!!!
I've gotten up to all kinds of other mischief too! When the Mom-Person came back after going to say goodbye to her Dad I pretended to be the Oh-So-Innocent Princess Pudgie-butt, and got the Mom-Person to pick me up for a cuddle and then I launched myself off her!
I got the Mom-Person to start calling Little Miss Meepface "Miss Chompy McGee"!
No Mom-Person's Book is safe from my Toothy Death!
And no Dad-Person's Paper either!
I stole a whole bunch of Poohs before the Mom-Person hid them all!
I stole some Mom-Person dessert too!
Why NO, "Mommy", I'm not trying to steal the catnip! I'm your sweet innocent little Persephone Girl-Cat!
And now I'm going to plan my revenge on those little snitches that ratted me out!
You'll never make the charges stick, Mom-Person!!!!
It must be a black girl cat thing because Tillie likes to chomp paper,plastic and toys!!! She thinks she is Mom's Diva kitty ;)
She is very impressed with your work PersePHONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think she is coming to bail you out ;) heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
I think you must have been trying to open those books so you could read them!
Uh, she has some photos. The rest are just circumstantial.
I wanted to let you know that your blog has been featured as Melvin's "Hero of the Week"
You deserve it! We love panther cats!
You are quite good at getting into things!
Good job!
Haha! you have had a busy time.
Wow, Persephone, you've been a very busy kid!
Was that dessert good? It sure looked tasty!
good job perse-PHONY. HAHAHAHAHAHA
Persephone! Great job of mischief making! I especially liked your cherry red toy with the stem on it! Hope you didn't try to eat it...they have nasty pits. I know from experience.
I think it's to mom person's fault if things got messed up. It's not fair to put that much temptation in the same place as a kitty! You are innocent!
OK, so how on earth does a kitty get cherries??? The LL says something about being allergic to them but that is no excuse to keep them from ME!!! Great job Persephone, you are a great mischeif maker.
Oh, please tell us ya didn't eat that cherry thing! They got little rocks inside. But we have them around too (The Big Thing loves them) and we HAVE batted one around a bit.
This was such a funny post, I enjoyed watching you get into mischief. Well, a cat has to have something to do.
Wow, you are quite the inspiration for me! I saw your Curly Q Tail and wanted to say hello.
Purrs, Chilli
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