And she hopes we had a really good time, 'cause it's the last house-trashing we'll be having for a while. Vikings are apparently not in the budget.
And she says neither are CLEANING LADIES!!!!! She says we're all wretched cats, too!
But it's ok. While she was cleaning, the Big One hooked us up with Cat TV!!!!We're waiting for our favourite show!
Yay! It's the Blue Jay Show!
This is a great show! Do any of you get this show?
We watch it every morning!
The OTW doesn't like it much though. Every time it comes on, she has to go out and sweep our balcony, and clean off poops. She says it's bad enough she has to clean up our poops. Especially when she also has to clean up after that Bad Cat, Miss PersePHONY Pees-On-The-Garbage-Bag-While-She-Cleans-The-Litter-Box-'Cause-Heaven-Forbid-She-Should-Wait!
You know, the OTW's kinda grumpy. She should nap more.
Stay tuned this weekend! We have a surprise three part Adventure report we're airing, starting late Friday!!
The Blue Jay Show must be on the Feather Channel! We watch that all the time!
Yup, we have that channel too!
The OTW sounds like some party pooper -- maybe that's why she's destined to clean up poop! LOL!
Oh wow, that's some great cat tv!!
we get the blue jay show too! isn't it great??
We doesn't haz da storie youz doez but we'z gotz da Chickadee TV! Purr-ty funz!
Mommaz doesn't yike ta cleanz da poopie thingy mucho, does dey? Da dogz 'round here try ta take care ob da poopz by snakin' on dem, but momma has hissy-fits and makez dem eatz a greenie when dey do!
We have the squirrel channel and a tree channel too. We are glad your family home together. Come on over and play with us if your OTW gets too grumpy.
PS We are happy your OTW liked your artwork. He he he.
Welcome back! We figured the beans would have a major clean up job to do. Bendrix loves that she called us "wretched." It means we did a good job.
He is very proud of the little brown packages he left in the closet corners...
I get the birdy channel too! Daddy really hates the mess but mommy says he is the one the moved the poles where he did so he can live with it. Your mommy could get one of those braket arms that hangs the feeder out farther (like flower baskets hang from). That might help with the dooky.
Speaking of dookey, great job PersePHONY! Why should you have to wait?
I love that show! We have lots of encouragements for the main players.
Oooooooh, love the cat tv. I can watch that alllll day.
Ohhh, Hi Jack, so glad you's back.
Love yours Blue Jay Show... I's get tha Mockingbird Show heres 24/7.
Hee hee, so we done good wif tha House Trashing???? Good to hear that.
Can't wait fur tha surprize reepurrt...
Love & Purrs,
pee ess: Persephone an Faith Boomerang haf tha same "I can't wait while tha litterbox is being changed habit".
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