Friday, August 22, 2008

Unfaithful Friday

Many of you may have noticed my comment the other day, about my OTW coming home a DAY LATE from her trip. This is quite unacceptable behaviour. But something even more shocking has come to light as I looking for pictures of my sleek, handsome self.



I found THIS!!!!!!!


And this!!!


And another one!


They're neverending!


What ARE these furballs? And why are they getting MY pettin's?!?!?


This one looks like a tail nipper!


Giving MY OTW love eyes!


Sticking their tongue out at us, 'cause they're stealin' our pettin's!


Even strange CATS!


::mumblegrumble::I dunno why she'd wanna pet them...I'm handsomer.... ~Jack

Mommy, we are VERY disappointed in you. ~Persephone


The Furry Kids said...

How dare she????

Kellykat said...

How rude!! Seems like she needs some serious ignoring time.
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar

Tybalt said...

I am very shocked to discover that the OTW is a CHEATER!!!!

For SHAME!!!!!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

She cheated on you with so many!!!!!!!!

Turkey Cats said...

I bet she missed you both sooooo much that she needed to stritch somecat or dog. I am sure she wished it was you. But, make sure she makes it up to you!!!!



The Island Cats said...

Nothing worse than a cheatin' OTW!

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

Lux said...

This is such shocking behavior I hardly know what to say. Tsk tsk.

Unknown said...

I Dare You!
Yes, it is time again for another challenge from The Cat Realm! Come and check out the details on our blog.
I hope you will accept the challenge and will eagerly await your entry!
(And go bite that unfaithful human of yours!)

Pumpkin said...

Uh oh, that's vury shocking indeed! At leest she dint bring any introoders back wiff her!

Mickey's Musings said...

What's up with that?????
Did she even say anything at all???
This calls for drastic measures!!!
Trash time or pillow poo!!!!!!

Purrs Mickey ( let me know )

Karen Jo said...

Goodness gracious! Your OTW certainly petted a lots of dogs and cats while she was gone. I think you are certainly owed an explanation.

Karen Jo said...

I'm writing limericks for Jack and Persephone and I was wondering if you would mind if I wrote one for Whisper, as well. I am asking because I don't want to do the post on Whisper if it would cause you pain.

catsynth said...

Aww, we like you two the best of all the pics. How could your humans want to cheat on you?

Boy said...

Oh my goodness! How could she!!!!

Anonymous said...

That's a lot of foreign furs! We're use to Mom coming home smelling of strange smells. She's a fur magnet.

Mr. Hendrix said...

i am speechless at this insult to you both! retaliation is in order!

have you been to Karen Jo's limmericks page? she did one for each of you! i hope this makes you feel better.

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

I thought it was ok when it was just dogs (she probably just felt sorry for them because they're dogs... I know I do!)... but cats too? That's unacceptable, OTW!

Christine and FAZ said...

My goodness, she does get about. FAZ

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh, that is jus so WRONG!

Max said...'s one thing when people cheat with ONE, but so many??? I hope she showered when she got home and removed as many cooties as possible...