I thought since it was Monday it would be appropriate to show you a Midnight Mancat modelling!

This is my aloof look. All mancat models have to have an aloof look, a "Don't hate me because I'm gorgeous!" look.

This is my "wistful, staring-off-romantically, dreaming of a far-away love" look. (Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrs, KC!)

This is my "intense, staring deeply into your eyes" look. I think my OTW needs to work on getting a better camera, the look is kind of ruined with the glowy eye thing.

This my "ready to pounce" action pose for the sportier look.
So what do you think, everycat? Are these good set of shots? Or should I get a better photographer?
And this last one is just for Rocky...

You know that thing your human artist said last June? My OTW has been saying the same thing about me for years!
I think you should be on the cover of every cat magazine! Purrfect mancat model.
~ Timothy
simply stunning! those photos are everything a Mancat should be. look at those Mancat muscles and glossy furs. pawsome.
i'm sure KC will swoon when she sees them.
Fabulous photos, Jack! Your black furs are gleaming! :)
You are one gorgeous mancat model. Did you get lots of treats?
Those are some handsome photos :)
You are a wonderful model, Jack! So very mancatly and handsome . . . and you can pose in so many different moods!
Jack- you belong in the movies!
Good posing, Jack!
I think you look wonderful Jack, and the glowing eyes, really sets it off!
You have your looks all down pat. You're an excellent model. Maybe there's a red eye setting on your photographer's camera that would help with the glowing eye problem?
Your mancat could be a brother
to my mancat Spooky Do! Hey, they
could be stand-ins for each other when they're modeling! :)
Jacks shiny fur is Fabulous!
Yoo look mahvelus! Sadie hadda check dem out, closely. She sez "yup, he's good looking".
Jack! Those are great poses :) I try to do some of them.I give Mom a hard time and don't look at the camera,heehee.DRives her nuts:)
You are looking like a great Mancat too,all shiney and strong !
Purrs Mickey
What a lovely model you are!
Whoa, Jack, we are definitely twins in that last picture! Yes, it's quite obvious that we are superior cat beings who came here from another planet on a mission to straighten out our humans!
Jack, you are a very photogenic cat!
Riley and Reggie
Hey, Jack, my space pal, I've tagged you for a meme!
Have you ever considered joining the Royal Shakespeare Company??? They might need such a talent like yours!
I like all of your looks Jack! Your pix look a lot like the ones my Mom takes. It is just a burden we must bear.
Would you please tell Persephone that I have tagged her for the Book Meme?
Tiger Lily
GREAT modelin werk Jack!
Oh my starts, that last one is studly!
Wow, you are a fantastic model, Jack - I'm going to have to work on some of those looks! :)
Please be so kind to come by our blog, there is a party invitation and an award for you!
Hi again! Just checking in. We have a post that your mommy might smile at. My mommy always thinks of your "snuggle burgler" when I do this.
I hope you're all doing well!
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