Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sunday Funday

Remember when my OTW kept going away and not bringing me presents, until the last time? Well she FINALLY got some pictures for me to show you.

This ball was one of the two toys. It was fun. At least, I think it was. Persephone keeps losing it a few minutes after my OTW finds it back.

This was the other toy. This is great, you can really get your claws into it, and lick it to death.

You can play with it in lots of different ways.

Even Grumpybutt likes it!

And then yesterday, Squeak's mom brought over a new toy!!!

I'm still sniffing it over, but Persephone, she's not always the sharpest fang in the mouth, and just rushed right in!

Speaking of toys, see these leis? These leis are MINE!!

Persephone likes to play with them, but they're mine!!!

I will plot my recapture of the green lei!

The Enemy has been pouncified! Victory is mine! (I'd show you my pouncing skills but my OTW still hasn't figured out how to put videos online).

All your leis are belong to me!


Just Ducky said...

YOu guys are having lots of fun with the new toys.

Lux said...

Wow, lots of great toys! Hey, I have a blue tent just like that!

Daisy said...

Those are some great toys! I have a tent like that too. Now you need to have a TENT WAAAAAAAAAR!

The Meezers or Billy said...

HEY!! You haf a TENT!!! Come on ofurr and we will attach it to my tent and we will haf a CAMPING PARTY!!! WOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO - Miles

Anonymous said...

You guys must be having a lot of fun with your new toys! We have a tent too!

Anonymous said...

Wow new toys are always so fun! You guys look like you're having a BALL with them! Yay! :)

Anonymous said...

They do look like fun.. are those FEATHERS I see?!

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Some great loot! Now you can have tent wars like Daisy and Pixie. You blackies sure have shiny furs, by the way. What's the secret?

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

hahahah, all yoor leis are belong to me...dat made mom laff! Yoo gots some grate toys der Jack, effun if yoo gotta share dem.

Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

Oh fun new toys! Fantastic. We need a tent now... they look lie adventure.

Hugs and Purrs

Ivan from WMD said...

My mom got a big kick out of all your leis are belong to me, too! Very neat toys, Jack!

LZ said...

Wow, toy crazy at your house! I'm teleporting right over!


The Furry Kids said...

Those look like super fun toys! Tents are cool.

Earl Grey

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Wow, that long spotted thing looks really cool to wrassle with! We are printin out that piciature as a really strong hint to The Big Thing...

An we (usually) get what we want!

Mr. Hendrix said...

I'm drooling like a woofie over all those cool toys. Have a great time with all of those. I can't wait to hear all about your TENT WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARS!!!!

those are great pictures. I'm glad even Grumpybutt (tee hee hee) likes that toy.

Monty Q. Kat said...

Whoa! I want a lei like that, and a lei to give to Millie too!

Wait, that didn't come out right...

Anonymous said...

Your OTW is trying to make it up to you, and it sounds like she did a good job choosing fun toys for you (and anyone who dares play with it while you're around). Still doesn't make up for all those times she *didn't* bring you presents. Forgive, but don't forget. It's the Way of the Cat.

Hot(M)BC said...

You schmooze! So we's nommynated yoo for the Schmooze Award. :)

INAMINI said...

Lots and lots of toys. It looks like heffen!

Christine and FAZ said...

Dear Jack, it's very good of you to share your special toys. FAZ

Shilgiah the Cat said...

Ooh! Those leis look like great fun! I want want a bunch of them.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Holy Moly those toys are great! We need a tent! And leis! Thems look like fun!!!!

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Hi, Jack, lots of fun there at your house! I've tagged you for the proverb meme. I hope your OTW is around so you can participate.


The Fluffy Tribe said...

Fangastic pictures Jack and leis ~The Fluffy Tribe

Anonymous said...

I have a tent exactly like yours. I have five tents! Isn't that great???

Anonymous said...

You have very piercing eyes. I really love the tent. I have the same one. I also have a red square one and three other tent-shaped tents. They are the best present I have ever gotten before.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...
where o where is Jack? i's misses him so much. him hafn't posted in weeks. i hope him took tha iolite charm wif hims, so he can navigate back safely.
i misses you, Jack.
Purrs, KC

Anonymous said...

great stuff! we love leis too, but we tore ours to shreds and they got thrown away. leis look gorgeous with your black furs! hope you're all doing well - we haven't been around much either because the Lady's been very very busy.

Just Ducky said...

J&B are you two OK?

Daisy said...

Jack, where have you been? I hope all is OK.

Forty Paws said...

Those leis look like fun! Can you rip them apart?

Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

Oh where is my sweet Persephone? I miss her meowy much.