I want peace too. I especially want peace with Grumpybutt ‘cause then I can snuggle with him, but I want peace everywhere else too!
There's lots of kitties out there who already have it bad enough being out on the streets without a good home and humans to love them and feed them and pet them and give them treats and play with feathers with them, and if those streets are in a war zone it's even worse for the kitties, because they could be shot or blown up or run over by really big machines.
And it’s bad for the dogs and humans too.
So I think the humans should stop trying to shoot each other and blow each other up and be peaceful. Oh, and get a kitty to love, because then they'll be happier and maybe not want to fight so much.
I think the least everycat deserves is a good home and enough to eat, and love and scritches and not to have to be scared all the time. And so does every human.
There's lots of kitties out there who already have it bad enough being out on the streets without a good home and humans to love them and feed them and pet them and give them treats and play with feathers with them, and if those streets are in a war zone it's even worse for the kitties, because they could be shot or blown up or run over by really big machines.
And it’s bad for the dogs and humans too.
So I think the humans should stop trying to shoot each other and blow each other up and be peaceful. Oh, and get a kitty to love, because then they'll be happier and maybe not want to fight so much.
I think the least everycat deserves is a good home and enough to eat, and love and scritches and not to have to be scared all the time. And so does every human.

(Me and Grumpybutt not fighting!)
PS. My OTW just started a blog and she put up a Peace Globe too. Go see hers! (The link’s at the side there, under my Vishus Deer of the North Pamphlet link)
Very well said!
I agree with efurything you said. My mommy gets so upset when she tries to write about things like that so she went with a quote instead.
I thinks you and grumpybutt haf great tummies.
I thinks all of us panther kitties haf well fed tummies. tee hee hee
Yeah! Good post!
Efurry bean SHOULD get a kitty to love! That makes beans much nicer, I think.
Nice post Jack, I agree! And love the picture on your peace globe!
Wise words, Jack. The world would be better if it is run by kitties.
Furry good sentymints, Jack. I like yur pictor on the Peace Globe, too. An I want peace wif Bonnie, like you want wif Grumpybutt.
I fink it's Manx Mom Debra who says cats ARE valium, an if we are, efurry polytishun should haf a cat on his lap.
Wow, the 2 of you are nearly touching, and not fighting.
Dona Nobis Pacem to you too - we like your globe graphics!
Something's wrong with our internet connection, so all I can do right now is read your words (no pictures), but those were good enough all by themselves!
Happy peace day, Jack!
Now I can see your meme - it's lovely!
Another purr-fect globe posted for unity's sake. Woohoo! Wishing you and your loved ones peace and joy that never ends! c",)
Pace, frater!
Happy Peace Day Jack - we totally agree with you.
Our Mom has done her share for love & peace for kitties by adopting all of us from shelters. Otherwise, we might be at The Rainbow Bridge now!
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