Me, one year ago!
Jack got me a present!!
It's a Nip Ravioli!!!!!!
I lovelovelove it!!!
I will bite it and squeeze it and call it George!
Now George and me are gonna nap!!! My head is all spinny!
The nip ravioli actually comes from Kashim and Othello, via Hot(M)BC! It was my prize for being the 1000th commenter. Thank you Kashim and Othello!
I gave it to Persephone for her Gotchversary 'cause she's CRAZY for nip! We even had to give it to her a day early, 'cause she went crazy as soon as the Big One brought the mail into the house! My OTW culdn't figure out why until she realized it was Persephone's Nipping Call!!
I like it too, though. And got to lick on it later!
The paper was fun too! Thank you!
Woo hoo and congratulations from all the topcatrules gang in Australia! XX
Wow! Persephone, happy gotcha day! Enjoy your nip! *kiss*
Happy Gotcha' Day! Gotcha' days are the best days!
We are glad you both like the Nip Ravioli! Happy Gotcha Day Persephone!
Jack,you licked it and the tiger smiled!!!
Happy Gotcha Day Persephone!!!! Wow! A whole year has gone by! We used to dead your blog before we got our own. I seem to remember Persephone being put in jail over her NIP addiction.Hahahaha!!!
That was a perfect gift.You are so good Jack!!
Purrs Mickey
Happy Gotcha Day Persephone! That nip ravioli sure looks like fun!
Happy Gotcha Day, Persephone! :) You are really enjoying that 'Nip Ravioli! :) Aren't they great? :)
Happy Gotchaday Persephone! We wish yoo a squillion more.
That is so exciting! I love the nip from the Hotties!!!!
Happy Gotcha Day, Persephone! George looks like a very nice Ravioli. I hope you have lots of fun with him.
Happy Gotcha Day, Persephone! You were too cute with that nip ravioli. Jack is a generous brother to share like that!
Happy, Happy Gotcha Day, Persephone! And that new George looks mighty tasty!
Congratz on your Gotcha Day, Persephone. 'Nip Raviolis are great, aren't they. But why is everyone stealing my identity?
Congratulations! You look soooo cute! We have a "George" also, and all three of us LOVE him....
Did you see the first part of the new CCSI show yet? How do you like it? And tomorrow will even be better!
See you there...
Aren't those Nip Ravioli's just the bestest?
Holy tongue! ;)
Happy Gotcha Day!
Happy Gotchaversawy!
Happy Gotchaversary Persephone.
Jack your tongue is hyooj!!!
A belated Happy Gotchaversary to Persephone :-D
Those are great pictures. I'm LOL'ing at the one of you licking the nip ravioli :-D
Happy belated Gotchaversary, Persephone! You look like you have some mighty fine nip!
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