Friday, October 12, 2007

Welcome to my party!!!

Welcome to my party!! It's all day and well on into the night (my OTW goes to bed just before the sun comes up!!!) (Thank you Maggy and Zoey for the Graphic!!)

First off, a list of our Guests of Honour!! If you know of anycat missing from this list, let me know and I'll add them right away!!!

Happy Birthday and/or Gotchaday!!!
Earl Grey and Tazo
Baci and Dolce
Kimo and Sabi
Kelly and Nicky
Mu Shue
Josie and Huggy Bear
Patches Mittens and Mistrie
Beau Beau
Dr Frankie
Fat Eric
Scooby and Shaggy
Karl, Mrs OZ and Emil

Since it’s still early and my OTW is still asleep, we’ll start with playing around and breakfast.

Allow me to introduce the Chef du Party! The Big One!

We have a lot of foods for breakfast. For the cats and dogs The Chef is whipping up to order…

Scrambled Eggs and Sausage

Scrambled Eggs and Chicken

Scrambled Eggs and Herring

Scrambled Eggs and Salmon

Scrambled Eggs and Ham

Which will be served up with a Ham Steak and Tuna Hash Cake

For those of you with simpler tastes, the Chef has also dished up

Diced Ham


Smoked Salmon

Tuna Surprise (Surprise! It’s tuna with tuna on top!)

And kippers!

For the Buns we have

Fresh Herbs!

More Fresh Herbs

Dandelion Greens

And Timothy Hay

For the Birdies

Seed Cake

Seed Squares

And Seed Crackers!

Water is available at the water fountain, and in several bowls scattered through the rooms, and catnip tea is available at the buffet!

We’ve added some foods for lunch, and my OTW is up now! Tub hockey can commence!!! Oh and she says, no sorry. She's keeping the chef. Actually she threw her arms around him and growled MINE!!!!

Beef strips

Chicken Strips

Roast Duck

For Devil Dog, some fresh broccoli.

Fried Banana, with honey (you can have fresh if you prefer)




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Daisy said...

Pixie and I are here!!! This is a fantastic party. We are going to start with some scrambled eggies. And some tuna. And some ham. Nom nom nom nom nom nom...

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Hi there! I think that I may have to chase any birds that have been invited..I'm sorry to lower the tone but it is instinctive.

Failing that, I'll tuck into the eggs and herring! Yum!

Thanks for the awesome display, this is going to be brilliant!!x

Fat Eric said...

Oh WOW!!!! That food is just too delicious for words! I am starting on the scrambled eggs and salmon right now.

BTW, me and Derby both have October Gotcha Days or Purrthdays too, I think we are missing from your list.

Thanks for inviting me to this great party!

Daisy said...

"Hello? Is your refrigerator running"

"Yes, it is"

"Then you better go catch it!!!"

Hahahahahahaha! Making prank calls is fun.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Hi Jack! :) Happy Birthday. :) I'm here. :) All of that food looks delicious! I think I'll try the ham, since I've never had any before!

Anonymous said...

PSSSST. Persephone, can I come snuggle with you? Purrrrrrr.....


Black Cat said...

Hi Jack, Happy Birthday! All that food looks delicious - think I'll start with some scrambled eggs and salmon:) xxx

Black Cat said...

P.S. Your OTW and I have something in common - going to bed at sunrise and getting up really, really late, lol!!!

jenianddean said...

Huggy Bear, Josie, Maggie and I are here, but we'll have to get home around 2:00 for the football game! But the food ... oh the food ... where to begin!?! I'm not normally a people food cat, but I can't resist! Thanks for hosting a great party.

Anonymous said...

Hey, got any bananers?


Daisy said...

Pixie, I know that was you!!!!

Mickey's Musings said...

Man,this place is rockin' and the food ,oooooh, the food is divine! What a party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ASTOR CATS said...

Hi Jack, congratulations on your blogoversary and belated Happy Birthday. Thanks for throwing this party Jack, we are so happy to be here. So many choices. My goodness we think we start with the eggs and ham. Mom says we should pace ourselves so as not to eat too much. We promise to eat quietly so as not to wake your OTW.

Midnite & Stray Kitty

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Oh, wow, thanks for the invite. We brougt Precious along too, cuz she whined and cried and said she would beheve, which is debatable. We will keep an eye on her, and if necesssary, put her in time out. Wow, this is some party! Mittens had her pumpkin this morning, and brought along her special diet food. I know she will try to sneak the good stuff, though. I will have to keep my eyes on her too. Mistrie is shy, and is hanging around outside.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Happy Birthday and Blogiversary, Jack! Thanks fur inviting us...oooo scrambled eggs and ham! mmmmm
Hello, do you have Prince Albert in the can...well, yoo better let him out!
Daisy's right, making crank calls is fun.
Sadie, get off dat phone.
Can we run up and down the "butt on fire" hall or will dat wake effuryone up? Oh Jack, dis is a grate party!

Anonymous said...

Boy, Jack, you sure went all out for this -- thanks for everything!! Thanks also for including me and pesty brother Nicky in your list of guests of honour. We appreciate it! Now, let me tuck into the good food and then take a renewing nap...

Anonymous said...

Geez, I almost forget -- Happy Birthday/Blogiversary, Jack!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Good morning efurryone! we is here!!! Happy Purrfday Jack and Happy Blogaversary!! WOOO HOOOO

Mr Chef? May I please haf a ham and bacon omelet wifout the omelet part? heee heeee - Miles

oooo chick-hen!! I likes chick-hen! Miles and I can't wait for tub hockey!! we've been prakticing. And he's 'acited about walking on the hall ceiling - Sammy

The Devil Dog said...

Lucky and I are on our way over. Do you have any broccoli?
Happy Birthday Jack.


Myst and Blackie said...

Happy Birthday and Blogoversary, Jack! We had to bring BG with us if she barks too much just swat her on the nose. Ummm... look at all that food... we think we will try some chicken

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

Happy Purrthday & Blogoversary, Jack!! And Happy Purrthday/Gotcha Day to all those celebratin' in October!!

All the food looks so yummy, we don't know where to start!

(Strider almost didn't get to come 'cause he was furry bad last night. He ran outside and ran far far away and wouldn't let Mom catch him for a long time. She was gonna ground him, but she let him come anyway.)

Christine and FAZ said...

What a party and the food ... it's exquisite. My compliments to the chef. FAZ

Anonymous said...


YumHappy BirthdayYum&Blogoversary, Jack yumyum, this party is WOW yummy.

Pixie, I brought some bananers with me for you. And Dragonheart I caught a Duck this morning because you cannot eat the ham.:)

Let's Party!!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Adan is here~!!!! This is a wonderful party~!!!! I am drooling when I see so many gourmet all the way~!!!!!!
I think I will choice kippers first, and Timothy Hay~! Hmmmm, many all, wowow, too many great food~!!!!

Thanks for the wonderful food and party~!

Oah dear, was I invited??

Beau said...

Hey! I'm here too now!! This salmon and eggs is DIVINE!! You have a wonderful chef! Happy birthday and gotcha days to everyone!! =munch munch=

Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos said...

We are here too.
this is a great party. we love the scrambled eggs and nipt tea.
oh oh and the tuna of course ::spin:: ::spin:: Thanks for having such a fun party!
Purrrs, Kashim & Othello

Beau said...

Hey BG!!

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

uups see momma is all screwed up with her migraine... now we commented wif the bad kitty acount (we were looking up entries for the BKCFoC before). *seesh* sorry for that!!

Othello says: did anyone mention bananers and chick-hen??? I am on my way!

Mr. Hendrix said...

wow! look at all this. what a fantastic party. tons of friends, toys and good foods. it doesn't get better than that. Bendrix is with Yao-lin about the birds, but I'll keep him on a short leash...

Daisy, you're a hoot!

Mr. Hendrix said...

Happy Birthday/Gotcha Day to all you October cats, buns, woofies, birdies etc!!

Mr. Hendrix said...

"Hello? Uh, is I.P. Freely there?

Black Cat said...

I'm back! Hope you're enjoying your party Jack. I'm sure you are with so many great friends round you and all that scrummy food:) xxx

Myst and Blackie said...

Hi, Beau... purrs

Honey P. Sunshine said...


KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...
Hi Jack, Happy Purrrthday & Blogaversary.
:: runs over and kisses Jack on the nose ::
Missy will be along in a minute, she's trying to gets shy Momma Dinah to come, along wif all tha mites.
i's be here, just maybe quiet sumtimes when mine Mommie is away an can't type fur me....!
Purrs, KC

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me where Bubbles is, anyone see him? Minutes ago he was at the Smoked Salmon and now he's gone, I can't find him?

Tommy and Teaghan said...

We am here to celebrate! Happy purfthday and gotcha day to all the October celebrities! Where's da eggs, where's da eggs? Hmmmmm slurp. An Salmon- meeerroow. :Beau Beau

Beau Beau stop being such a piggie. ~Angie

Mr. Hendrix said...

This food is wonderful! What a great spread.

*chewing* "Hello? I'm looking for Ivana Tinkle?" tee hee hee

Anonymous said...

Meowlo Jack!! *waves paw* HAPPY BDAY PAWTY MOL! This place looks PAWSOME!! :) Thanks for inviting us BCCP kits too!

Oooooh is that salmon I smell?
*heads off to the food*

*waves hi to the other cats*

Kismet said...

Hi Jack! Thanks for coming to invite me. I have NOT been blogging because my Person won't let me on the computer. IT IS VERY ANNOYING. But I am excited to be at the party!!! I am going to eat some eggs with sausage and probably some of the herbs because I like to eat grass. And I hope you don't mind but I brought Sophie because she likes the foods too. Thanks again Jack!!

Anonymous said...

AACK forgive my manners!!

Concats to all the other special kits too!!! :))

*pops another piece of salmon into her mouth as she looks at all teh pawsome bats and eyeballs and other decorations*

Anonymous said...

Happy, happy birthday, Jack!! Wow, this is a great party.

Ruis, you forgot me when you went to the party. Grrrr...

Anonymous said...

Huh? Oh, I am sorry but you were still asleep at the staff's bedroom. I didn't want to wake you.

Just Ducky said...

WooHoo. I made it.

Just Ducky said...

I see Fat Eric mentioned that we both have special days this month. It is my purrthday and his Gotcha Day. So us ginger boys have to cellybrate good this year.

What an awesome buffet you have. I will just fill me up a plate of ham and bacon.

But could you explain what kippers are?

Shaggy and Scout said...

Hi Everyone!!!!!
Our Gotcha Day is the last Friday in October (the 26th this year.)
-Scooby & Shaggy

Look at that huge buffet of food!!! We are going there first!! Look out tuna surprise, Here I come!-Scout

Lux said...

Scrambled eggs & sausage - scrambled eggs & sausage - Where's the Big One???

Happy Everythings to you, Jack!

Persephone? Where are you?

Lux said...

Hello to all my friends - this seems like a great time for a:


Victor Tabbycat said...

Bonnie an I will be by later. Mom's not cooperatin agin today.
My gotcha day is Oct 29 - does that count?
Oh, an before I furget:
Hippo Birdy Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdy Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdy Deer Viking Jack,
Hippo Birdy Two Ewes!
... and MANY MORE!!!!
How o-old are you?
How o-old are you?
You look like a Viking!
And you fite like one, too!

Lux said...

No, don't go, Victor!

Derby, care for a (mancatly) nap on one of those sheepskins?

Parker said...

Diced ham and catnip - it really doesn't get any better than this! It's great to see everyone here! I am going to race down the hallway like my but is on fire!! Woo Hoo!

Beau said...

THIS is a perfect day!! Good food, good friends, the loves of my life...Mia and Ghost (purrrrrr)
my little sisters Millie and Parker, and toys. I think I'm in Heaven!!

Just Ducky said...

Now that I have filled my belly with some of this wonderful food, a nap would be great. Plus a little mancat talk with some of my buds.

Anonymous said...

Hi! This is great! And you've got my favorite - diced ham!

ooh - there's my purrty Angie! hi Angie sweetie!

we brought the kittens. dunno why. have ya got somewhere to confine them? like a playpen? they're nuts.

Anonymous said...

Great party! I thought I got added to the guest of honor list?! Of course, with all that food--who cares....

Just Ducky said...

Hello Chey, and GMC. Ack, kittens! I am not used to nutso kitten!

Beau said...

So, did any of you birthday and gotcha day celebrants get anything
special for your big day???

Just Ducky said...

I haven't seen mum come in with any big packages lately, specially the ones where she hides them.

Plus my purrthday isn't until next week. So I may have to wait.

Beau said...

Hey Derby, I'm up for some cat man talk!!

Dorydoo said...

Oh wowie! What a fantastic party! I am digging into the salmon, the tuna hash cake -- oh, how scrumptious! Thank you so much for making me a Guest of Honor -- in only three days now, I'll be three years old! So I'll eat three of everything! hee hee hee, and Yum Yum Yum!

Love and cuddles from Dorydoo.

Brainball said...

Hi there, everybody! What a great party! Thank you, Jack -- this is a great spread, and the food is great. And hi, lovely Patches Lady! Want to cuddle up with me for a nap after we get good and full?

Floofy headbonks and rumbly purrs from Brainball.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Missy said...
Hey, Grr, Midnight & Cocoa, Jack's set up a nursery room for the little ones. The Mites are in there stuffing their little faces on tuna. Go put your babies in there, too.
Oh, and everyone, meet Momma Dinah, she is a bit shy...
Missy Blue Eyes

Just Ducky said...

Hi Dinah, nice to meet you. You have a lovely site of Mites and they seem to be growing up so fast.

MaoMao said...

Oh wowie wowie, lookit all the yummy foodies! You sure know how to throw a superduper paw-tay, Jack! I'm diggin' into the toona and the ham and the scrambled eggies.... mmmmmmm it's so good! And STEAK! hehehe!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh, salmon! What a great party this is! Thank you so much for inviting us Ballicai -- a lovely day to be had by all!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

Beau said...

Hi Dinah, =takes her paw, bows in a southern gentlemanly way, and lightly pecks the back of her paw=, I'm Beau. It is so nice to meet you. Your children are so very cute. I hope you all get wonderful forever homes soon, but you have a good home where you are right now too! GMC, those kittens are SOO cute too!!

MaoMao said...

And alla us Ballicai are singin' to you, Jack:

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday, dear Jack!
Happy Birthday to you!

Headbonks, purrs, snuggles, and kittyhugs all around!

Beau said...

Jack this is a wonderful party! You sure know how to have a good one, and you're such a perfect host! Has anyone seen Smeagol & Strider? I wanted to say hi to them! Hey ZSS, Dragonheart! =waves paw=

Mr. Hendrix said...

Hi Dinah, please don't be shy. We are all friendly and, mostly, well behaved kitties. You certainly have adorable little kittens there.

Anonymous said...

It's great to meet you Dinah! thanks for setting up the nursery. These two are so little we don't let them out of a safe enclosed area yet. Do you think the Mites could teach them to eat real food? It's probably time they gave up the bottles.

oooooh - stuff ta pounce! an more kittens ta play wif!
Rascal & Riley

Lux said...

I'm having a great time! Those Mites are a lot of fun to kittensit!

Just Ducky said...

Next weekend the party is at my house. Not as big and fancy as last years party, but mum finally agreed to let me have a purrthday party.

Just Ducky said...

Lux, you have more patience that I do to kittensit. I just want to play and they get so carried away!

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

Hi momma Dinah! We love your Mites they are very sweet and have grown so fast.
we hope you have a good and relaxing time here wif us all just don't be shy we are all very nice!

Kimo and Sabi said...

WOWY WOW! This is a great prty! We fink we might hang her most of da day!

Just Ducky said...

Hello K&O, nice to see you today.

Beau said...

I have to go do my sermon now and mom needs the computer, so I will be in and out but quiet...

Just Ducky said...

Hi Kimo and Sabi. How are you today?

Just Ducky said...

Bye Beau, looking forward to a good sermon this week.

Fat Eric said...

Hi all, I'm finally back from filling my face at the buffet. Everything is SO delicious! How lovely to see so many friends.

Just Ducky said...

Eric my bud. I didn't see you at the buffet when I went through the line. How could I have missed you!?

Fat Eric said...

I've eaten so much I can hardly walk. I think I have fallen off the diabetic diet wagon for the day, but who cares? *burp* excuse me!

Just Ducky said...

Oh Eric, sometimes it is nice to fall off the wagon. Just land on your feet. I hope your mum is feeling better.

Fat Eric said...

Yes, she has cheered up a bit. I have been helping her with gardening today and also snoopervising the boiler repair men. Busy busy.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

We forgotted to wish Jack a happy purrday, in alla citement.

Hi my sweetie, Brainball. Yes, I wud love to eat and then have a nice nap. Maybe I can talk Mistrie or Mittens into watching that crazy Precious, who is doing thundering herd of elephants down the hall and meeting all sorts of new furriends.


Fat Eric said...

Do you think the kittens in the creche room would like me to give them a good wash? Nothing I like better than washing people or cats.

Just Ducky said...

Yay, the Piney Woods Ladies are here. Welcome.

The Meezers or Billy said...

mpfff ifff a grrrtttt pttttyyyy - Miles

sheesh Miles, please swallow your mouthful of bacon before you talk. have you no manners? - Sammy

The Meezers or Billy said...

::gulp:: - this is a great party!! so many good friends are here!! YAY!! Hi Dinah! You are very purrty! - Miles

ZOOLATRY said...

Well, you may NEVER EVER get to this comment since it is No. 83... wow... did 82 party-people bring you 82 presents! Have fun, Happy Birthday To You! All that food from Master Chef Big One is a delight to our tastybuds... mmm.

Just Ducky said...

Hi Sammy and Miles. Lots of ham Miles so you don't have to shove it all in your mouth at one time.

Anonymous said...

Eric, please please please bathe our kittens if you'd like to. The Lady keeps trying to make us do it.

The Meezers or Billy said...

Miles has a habit of taking bites that are too big for him.

Hi Derby and Eric and Patches and Mittens and Misrie and Precious and Maggie and Zoey and Grr and Midnight and Cocoa and KC and Missy and Dinah and all the babies



Fat Eric said...

Hi Meezers.

OK, am just off to do some kitten-washing. I'm sure I can pin them down and lick them no problem. Expect to see some soggy but fragrantly-clean kittens soon!

Anonymous said...

Pfff, I finally found Bubbles! He is in the nursery room washing the little kitties... of course, I should have know that.

The Meezers or Billy said...

kitten washing sounds innerseting. i used to wash Miles when he was a kitten because he was stinky.

we will still be here but quiet, mommy is doing lots of canning today and has to be in the kit-chen, so we can't use her fingers. we'll just be hanging out in the hall walking on the ceiling.

Anonymous said...

This is a great party. I am having so much fun. I really love the tuna hash cake! It is great! I've never had anything like it.

Just Ducky said...

Phew, I had to teleport home quick or I would have been a bed lump for the next week.

Mum came to put the clean sheets back on the bed, so I had to get home so I could move.

I think I need something refreshing to drink after that mad chase.

Anonymous said...

You big one sure makes great ham and eggs! Licking lips.

Skeezix the Cat said...

Hello evrybuddy! Ware's the running like yer butts on fire hallway?

Shaggy and Scout said...

Hi everycat! We came here earlier but have been napping on the sheepskins in the closet.
Scout would like to help Eric wash the mites but Scooby & I are gonna avoid them. -Shaggy
Time for an after-nap snack.

Just Ducky said...

Wow the S's have arrived. Scooby, Shaggy, Scout and Skeezix!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

There goes Speedy, off to play and kiss and rassel with kittens...He'll be busy for awhile, den he'll need to nap.
Oh boy, KITTENS! I'll see ya later, anycat else want to play wif da kittens? Den we can pile up wif dem and nap...~Speedy

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...
i's go in tha kitten room an groom tha babies, i luvs to do that. Missy will help, too, if Fat Eric doesn't mind a little company...

Skeezix the Cat said...

Hey Derby, glad yer heer! Yoo can see how the boa looks on me in persun!

MaoMao said...

Hiya, Speedy! Kittens, I love kittens! Let's play with the little'uns togethur!

Anonymous said...

*smiling, watching the kittens play* -- they are so precious!

Dorydoo said...

Mmmmmm, yummy yummy yummy! See, I said that three times, hee! I think I've eaten three of everything now, and I'm very full. Anybody up for a nice snoozy catnap?

Brainball said...

Skeezix, buddy! You're looking great! *gives Skeezy a big mancat hug*

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hello, is Anita der? Last name Taykapee, yes Anita Taykapee...*snicker* Crank fone calls is fun~Sadie

Just Ducky said...

That pink boa does look sharp on you Skeezy. Glad you bought it for a good cause.

Mum has a few more, but she won't do any more in pink! Yours will be a one of a kind.



Anonymous said...

Hey Speedy, can you pass me another one of those delicious tuna has cakes? Thanks friend.

Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom

Rosie & Cheeto said...

yes yoo do need to say eh at the end of evarything when speeking canadian, tripperEH. -rosie

Luk at all the grate fud...ill have the toona surprise...with eggstra toona jyoose,pleeze! -cheeto

Sunny's Mommy said...

Wow. You throw a great party. Look at all the cats here!

Parker said...

BURP!!!!!! Oh 'scuse me, Hi Tripper, great food, wanna bunnykick?

Rosie & Cheeto said...

Oh, henry H is here!!! Dont give him too much toona at one, he mite fall asleep frum keeping his eyes clowsed while eatting!!

Anonymous said...

wow! Look at all the cats who have come in while I've been eating... (belches)

Just Ducky said...

Chey, mind your manners. Would you do this at a state banquet if you were elected president?

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hey, dem mites is biting my tail! Owe, owe, owe get me outta here...~Speedy



Parker said...

Zoooooooom, Zooooooom! Butts on fire! Who wants to race with me!!!!????? (right after I visit the lady's room)...

Fat Eric said...

Well, the mites are soggy but clean. Look at the way their fur is sticking up in wet spikes, heh heh.

I just had to go home for a bit to sort out an emergency, my mum was chasing me with the claw clippers. Unfortunately she caught me!

Just Ducky said...

Biker Mite dudes and dudettes? They look cute with spikey fur too.

Just Ducky said...

Hey Eric, I see your post on the Cat Blogosphere site about English Daisy. Lots of purrs to her and her family.

MaoMao said...

I'll race ya, Parker! I love doin' the Butts On Fire Thingie!

Trippur, that was ONE FANTABYOOLUS BURP!


Dorydoo said...

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I'll race, too, Parker! I love to race.

Hee hee hee at all the burping kitties! Uh oh, here I go...


Peach Man said...

Holy Moly! This is a super party! I could use this feast after my morning adventures and Simone always needs to fatten up! She's so excited to be the guest of honor and we've even dressed up for the occasion!

p.s. can we take the chef home as a party favor? mama can't cook worth a darn.

Fat Eric said...

Hey Derby, my mum was on the phone to English Daisy's mum for a long time this afternoon. It doesn't look furry good for Daisy. She is still enjoying living with 3 guinea pig friends though.

Fat Eric said...

I hope there will be lots of leftovers from the buffet! Then we can all take some home for breakfast tomorrow.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Hey Parker - we're in for da race too!

Parker said...

Zooooooooooom! Gosh, this is a good time, I love running!

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

Uhm we might haf had too much toona and chick-hen... we need a nap now. Anyone wanna snuggle for a while?

Beau said...

I'm baaaaaaaaack!! I can burp louder than everybody. (Oh, I hope M&G, Parker, & Millie don't hear this...) BURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRP!






Beau said...

I just found out that I got an award from Missy & KC. It's a halloween you're sweet award. I haven't posted it yet, but I'm passing it on to Millie, Parker, Sam & Tig, Dragonheart, and Zoolatry.

Beau said...


Beau said...


Parker said...

I am impressed with the burping skills - I couldn't come close to matching Beau's and Trip's!

Beau said...

aw heck it's not showing all of mine! How did you get 2 lines of it Tripper??

Daisy said...

Hi everycat! I can do a burp too:


Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

oh Daisy this was a nice little ladylike burp ;o)

Just Ducky said...

Ok here mine goes.


Beau said...

nice Daisy niiiiice!!

Daisy said...

Whoa! Derby! Good one.

MaoMao said...

Okeydokeys, I've gotta a few niptinis in me now and let's try anothur burpie:


Just Ducky said...

HEHE.I am good at this, mum thinks I have no manners sometimes when I eat.

Sometimes mum even does this, but she does a nice one like Daisy.

Beau said...

BTW, Jack, I don't think I have your email address. Could you send it to me??? In fact, if I don't have your email, please send it to me so I'll have more complete list. thanks!

Fat Eric said...

OMG there is some loud burping going on here! I am an English gentlecat and so cannot do that sort of thing. Honest.

I am glad I am here, my humans are watching England in the world cup semi-final (rugby, v. France), the tension is terrible!

Milton said...

Hi ya Jack!
Thanks for inviting me. I hope you have a happy day and to all the kitties having birthdays and gottcha days!

Is that my sweet Precious I see over there? ::waves paw::
Please ezcuse me, I wanna see my special girl. Oh, and try that yummy looking tuna.


Beau said...

UUUUGH..I've got a problem..I just rubbed Myself over a
partially eaten carrot and now my face is orange. For IS..HELLLLLLLLP! What'll I do??? Last time I stuck my face in the yellow center of a flower the yellow never completely came out. I don't WANT an orange face!!!

Tommy and Teaghan said...

I'm wif Daisy. Brp. Urp. 'scuse me. Tee hee.

The Crew said...

Hi everyone! (paws waving madly) The Crew is here and Misty brought our pink Barbie House tent.

Happy Purrthday and/or Gotcha Day to all honorees

Wow look at all the food and toys. Great spread, Jack! (munch, munch)

Is Speedy here? Are Mattingly & Harlie here? When does the ceiling walking start??

Hi Persephone, where's my "Hello Kitty" hat and that fancy collar for Tipper?

Tara said...

Oh my, and I was going to start a diet after Kavan called my tubby! Sorry I'm so late and missed the burping party, but I think I'll dig into the leftovers.....

Fat Eric said...

Hi Crew! Speedy is around somewhere, he was washing kittens earlier.
I think Sammy and Miles went out to the hall to do walking on the ceiling some time ago.

Just Ducky said...

Hey Eric, Can you share with us what happened to your mum at the museum?

I hope the kid didn't try to put graffiti on the Rosetta stone!

Fat Eric said...

Oh noooo...10 minutes to go and England are losing 8-9, my humans are going crazy!

Fat Eric said...

Sorry Derby, being distracted from the party by the yells of my humans watching the rugby.

Parker said...

Wow, Jack - the food and the fun and the great company - this is an awesome time, I think I want to go get in some of that 'nip - MMMMMMM!

Milton said...

Hi ya Eric!
Nice to see you again. I was sorry to hear yer Mum had a bad time.
I'm not a big one for burping either. But I must say the tuna is divine. My tum-tum is so full I think a little nap may be just what I need. Care for a little snuggle, Presious?

Oh, and Brainball Congrats to you and Patches. The Piney Woods gals are the best.

The Crew said...

Hi Eric, how are you feeling, dude? There's so much food here, you gotta watch out and not overeat.

Derby, you gotta show me and Max how to ceiling walk. We've never tried it!

Fat Eric said...

Yeahhhhhhh! England just scored in the rugby world cup semi-final! They are leading 11-9 with 5 minutes to go! My dad is going insane!

Anonymous said...

For all you kitties, I'm changing the breakfast over to a lunch buffet now... how does a selection of beef, tuna, ham, salmon, and chicken sound?

For the bunnies, the herbivore buffet is also being refreshed with lots of greens including fresh alfalfa - there are some advantages to being up here in farm country!

Fresh coffee's on for any humans that happen to wander by to check up on their furry ones.

-Chef "The Big One"

Fat Eric said...

I can't eat now, I'm too nervous about the rugby score!

Tommy and Teaghan said...

What happened at da museum? Do tell when da Rugby game's ofur.

The Crew said...

Ooooo, a professional chef!!

I'll have some chick-hen and Mom will have a coffee.

Just Ducky said...

Let's wait until the rugby match is over. Otherwise Eric will be so distracted. Good on them that they are now leading. How much time left?

The Crew said...

Beau & Angie, tell your Mom that ours is driving to Door County tomorrow to get some of their great apple pie and carmel apples!

The Crew said...

OK Derby, but we didn't bring any special shoes. Can we just use our claws?

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Parker - where's Powder?

Milton said...

Thank you Chef! You are doing a marvelous job, I haven't been this full in a long time. Mine mombean has me on a sliming diet.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

The Crew - that sounds so good - some apple pie in Door County! We should teleport ofur!

sammawow said...

Hi everyone! Happy Birthday, dear Jack! Thanks for such a terrific party!

Hooray, we're just in time for lunch - what's that ham and chicken and tuna, oh my!!!!!

Just Ducky said...

Crew, if you have claws you can try that to start. Otherwise I will have to lend you my velcro boots.

The Crew said...

Beezy, you're dieting too? Mom was just saying to me this morning that I'm getting too heavy. I think I look fine!!


hrhqueencat said...

Hey, Jack ...

Happy, happy birthday !!!

Wow - what a wonderful set-up ...

we just popped in from Catster's BCCP ...

Meowlo, everykitty ...

Angel and Merlin

Fat Eric said...

YAAAAAYYYYYY! England beat France 14-9 in the semi-final of the rugby so now they are in the World Cup Final next week against either Argentina or S.Africa.

Woohoo! My mum and dad have just been dancing around hugging each other.

Myst and Blackie said...

Hi, everyone... we finally made it back. Had to send Mom to store for food.

The Crew said...

Hi China & Willow!

Yes, we all have claws but Mom keeps them clipped so they're not very sharp. Are there any extra velcro shoes around? You'll probably want to use yours later, Derby.

The Crew said...

Congratz, Eric.

Hi Mia & Ghost!

Hi Angel & Merlin!

Beau said... face IS orange and mom can't get it out even with kitty shampoo....HELP me!!

Just Ducky said...

Yay for England, Eric and his beans.

Chef, break out the champagne. We need to do a toast.

Hip, hip, hurray. Well done England.

Good luck in the final.

Fat Eric said...

Hi Mia and Ghost!

I am back at the party now, was just watching English rugby players jumping up and down and French rugby players sobbing on the floor.

sammawow said...

Eric, hooray for England - your mom and dad sound really happy!

The Crew said...

Poor Beau, carrot stains on your handsome white furs. You may just have to wash your face a lot until the orange goes away.

Myst and Blackie said...

Concatulations to England's rugby team Eric.

Beau - what happened?

The Crew said...

Are we having champagne? Tipper, am I old enough to take a sip?


Beau said...

Hey Mia, Ghost.
Did BG come back with you??

Milton said...

Hip - Hip - Hooray for England!!!

Parker said...

Beau Beau - look in the kitten room, I think Powder is grooming the kittens, she was hoping to see you!

Fat Eric said...

Thanks, efurryone. This match was a furry big event here. 50,000 English fans went over to Paris for the match. Everyone else is watching it on TV.

Beau, do not worry, the orange will wear off eventually. I once got dyed blue all over my back (do not ask) and it took a few weeks to fade out but it went eventually.

Beau said...

I rubbed my face agains a partially eaten carrot, and it got orange on my face that mom can't get out, even with kitty shampoo.

Just Ducky said...

OK, I am ready to do the walk on the ceiling. I have my boots strapped on tight.

I need a boost up with a blanket throw. Can you guys find a blanket to give me a toss?

The Crew said...

We have to go home for a while everyone, but we'll try to come back later. Derby, don't forget, you have to teach us ceiling walking!!!

Myst and Blackie said...

BG is playing with a squeaky toy right now so we left her at home.

sammawow said...

Oh, what fun! Champagne and ceiling walking!

Fat Eric said...

Ohhh, Derby, be careful, that looks dangerous!

But if you want a boost up, I will lend my muscle power - hup!

Myst and Blackie said...

Oh dear Beau - you look handsome even with the orange but we think it will wear off.

Blanket (the tuxie who came before us) had some spray that turned him purple that he had to just let fade.

Beau said...

Here's to Englad! (Beau singing) Hail! Hail! England Won!

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