Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Wearables Wednesday

Today my OTW went out a got stuff for kitties to wear at the party!

Classic Party hats with a Kitty theme! Nice to wear, great to play with! A gorgeous ginger, ready to party!

And knowing that a lot of my friends like Hello Kitty, I've got Hello Kitty hats too!

For those less inclined to play with their couture! We got ordered some of these beautiful party hats before they were all sold out!

Well I suppose you can play with them too!

For those who would prefer to look pretty, my OTW got a bunch of these lovely flowered collars modelled here by Persphone, who is practicing her Bored-Model look!

And if you get bored for real, there's dangly beads on it to play with!

And finally, we have something very traditional. A long time ago when masquerade balls were popular, those who couldn't come up with a costume or didn't want something too fancy would get a plain mask and a cloak. Since most of us kitties don't really like stuff on our faces, my OTW skipped the masks, but she did agree to lend us her stack of silk handkerchiefs in a squillion colours to make kitty-cloaks! She promises to help anycat who wants to borrow one pin it so it won't get underfoot (That's Bonnie's job!)

Of course, as I said on Monday, a costume isn't necessary, we'll be happy if you just show up in your gorgeous furs (or skins! Hi Dragonheart!)


Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

Wow you really know how to prepare a ginormous party!
We really are looking forward to saturday!
Purrrs, Kashim & Othello

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Hi! :) Glad to know I can just wear my skin, but I might come in my dragon costume. :)

Love the party hats! Very cool. :) Persephone looks lovely modelling the flower collar!

Daisy said...

This is going to be a fantastic party! I want to play with one of the toy eyeballs. And wear a Hello Kitty party hat.

Mickey's Musings said...

Looks like you have things "covered" Heehee
Can't wait till the party!!

LZ said...

Fun!!! I love the idea of the dangly things, I love to play! What a great party you have planned I really hope we can stop by.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Dude, we are sooo looking forward to dis party! Yoo really know how to set up a grate time!

Anonymous said...

I like the cloak idea. In fact, I think I will request one just for your party!

Shilgiah the Cat said...

Oh I have a beautiful purple Tiara that I'll wear to the party. How fun!

ZOOLATRY said...

Hey Jack... don't forget to email us so we can send you your special "party picture" for the parteeeeeeeeeeeeee... we're at

Anonymous said...

Those party hats are awasome!! Next month is my 9th birthday and I think it would be look great if we all (the staff too) wear such a party hat!

I think our Bubbles birthday was in September...?

Purrs en knuffels uit Holland:)

Mr. Hendrix said...

am so excited about your party. your mommy is very nice to make such a big effort. i can't even get mine to update my bloggy this week! jeez.
can't wait until saturday!

Anonymous said...


Lux said...

I'm really looking forward to this party - whoa, do you have a LOT of toys!!!

The Fluffy Tribe said...

oh we like those collars with the sparklies and what a party you are going to throw ~The Fluffy Tribe

Bonnie Underfoot said...

That's my name, don't wear it out :-)
I'll go for a fancy collar, nothing more.

ASTOR CATS said...

There is going to be so much to do at this party we won't know where to start. We are going to get some extra sleep over the next couple of days so we don't have to take a cat nap at the party.

Midnite & Stray Kitty

Shaggy and Scout said...

Those hats with the bobbly things look like lots of fun! And you know what? The simple cloak idea is a classic yet sporty way to get into the festivities! Good idea!