Saturday, October 13, 2007

Dinner and Tour

The Chef is beginning to prepare dinner, so why don’t we take a tour while there’s still light, for anycat or anydog who wants? There’s still be nibbles on the table until dinner.

I’m sorry we don’t have a wonderful fall foliage display, but fall is very short here, only a week or two, and it was a couple weeks ago. Worse, it was a windy week and all the leaves blew off as soon as they turned so we never got a display at all this year!

Hey! I don't like going out much other than on my balcony, 'cause it reminds me too much of when I lived under a BBQ. Anycat wanna help me knock over this tin and score some nip?

Ok guys, lights are going fast here so we're going to do our quick whip around tour of the lookout spots. The humans should all have left by now, so we won't scare them. Watch out though because my OTW says it's very windy on the hills!

We do have a little bit of yellow left. But just yellow. The only trees that grow wild this far north are birch and pine.

We'll go to Judas hill next. There's more yellow leaves there. You can see the hill in the 4th picture.

Ok, last tour! This is Judas hill! We'll take a quick look and home for dinner, which should be about ready to serve!

Dinner is Served!!!

We have roasted turkey (we missed turkey on our Thanksgiving, ‘cause my peoples didn’t think it was worth it for just two people)

Roast Duck

Honey Baked Ham

Bison Steak

And (heeheehee) Vishus Elk-Deer Steaks!

And for the bunnies,

Brussel Sprouts



Mint Leaves

And Watercress!

My OTW says by the end of this party she’s going to need this kind of turkey!

The Tin of a Squillion Temptations!

Dessert is served! (Sorry for the delay, our internet connection keeps getting lost)

We have Cheesecake!

A Fruit Tray for anycat who eats fruit

An Ice Cream Witch!

Vanilla Bean Ice Cream, who just want a little ice cream, nothing fancy.

And for those who don’t really like people desserts, these meatloaf cupcakes, with coloured pate icing, cleverly disguised as normal cupcakes!

There’s also the Nip Champange fountain.


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Just Ducky said...

Wow amazing to see your trees with no leaves already. We have one tree that is clean, but most of the leaves are still green here. Heck last weekend it was hot here.

The tour is lovely. You have lots of pretty places to look at.

Anonymous said...

You guys have a great place. Our leaves are still green too.

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Hey Anycat wanna help me knock over this tin (see blog post)? There's NIP in it!!!


Anonymous said...


I love nip!


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Grate tour...and not one vishus deer in sight. We musta scared dem off, seeing all deze cats and woofies in one big gang!

Just Ducky said...

That is us, the Cat Gang.

Just Ducky said...

Hey Zippy, Sadie and Speedy. I didn't say Hello to you before.

Anonymous said...

Persephone, you better watch out or Abby, she will knock you over to get to the nip if you aren't watching. She hasn't had any in a while.

Hi Derby, Zippy. Sadie, and Speedy!

Samantha & Mom said...

We are so sorry to be late! I brought the toona cookies! Mom was gone all day!! Drats! Looks like you had a great time and it is beautiful here! The tour was great, too.
Your FL furiends,

Just Ducky said...

Hi Batman, your Catster page look furry spooky!

Samantha & Mom said...

Happy Birthday and Blogoversary Jack!!! Thanks for inviting us!

Just Ducky said...

Hi Samantha & Tigger. You are just in time for dinner!

Anonymous said...

Your blog is cool. I likt all of your pictures.


Just Ducky said...

Thanks mum goes crazy with the flashy box thing. She was out today taking pictures of roses, yes we still have them blooming. And some of the leaves on the trees.

Beau said...

I'll help Jack! Still it's a pretty and enjoyable view. I wouldn't want to be on the balcony either because the bars would me feel like I'm caged or in prison. You have a lovely home Jack!

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

Hey, does anycat know how to get in touch with Jake and Bathsheba? They commented on the old post and they think they missed the party!

Anonymous said...

we're back and we're ready to help with that nip cannister. Grr can open stuff really well too.

The Crew said...

Hi Everyone, we're back!!!

Hey is my Hello Kitty hat still where I left it? Speedy...where are you?


Just Ducky said...

I saw that too and left a comment on their blog to come back. Party was still on, just on a new post.

The Crew said...

Jack, you forgot me on the Gotcha Day list. My purrthday is in July, but my Gotcha Day is in October.


Darn...we missed Derby's ceiling performance!


Just Ducky said...

Smeagol & Strider, your football team did very well today. Old Bucky looked pretty bad.

The Crew said...

Did I hear someone say a 'nip cannister is being opened?! Where is it?


Just Ducky said...

George and Max, I am more than willing to walk on the ceiling again for you.

Let me go find the tossing blanket and my velcro boots.

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

Yeah, sorry 'bout that. We like Bucky, though, we saw him on tv.

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Ok guys, lights are going fast here so we're going to do our quick whip around tour of the lookout spots. The humans should all have left by now, so we won't scare them. Watch out though because my OTW says it's very windy on the hills!


Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Silly Beau, it's me Persephone who wants to knock over the nip tin! See? tufty ears!!


The Crew said...

Tipper, Misty...come over here. Derby's going to do his famous ceiling walk!!!

Just Ducky said...

What river is this Jack?

Just Ducky said...

OK, I have my boots on tight. I need a gentle blanket toss to get me up to the ceiling.

George and Max, would you do the honors on three?

One, Two, Three.

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Hey George, I added you!


Just Ducky said...

::Derby gets tossed towards the ceiling. He twists so that his paws hits the ceiling::

WooHoo, I made it!

Just Ducky said...

Now the trick is to only move one paw at a time. Otherwise you don't have enough grip to stay up. You know, gravity and all.

So we gently move around. Avoiding the light fixtures and all.

When you start to get a bit fuzzy from hanging upside down, it is time to come down before you lose your grip.

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

It's the Peace River. It runs from Summit Lake in the mountains of BC to Slave River which goes to Great Slave Lake in the Northwest Territories


The Crew said...

Very impressive, Derby. But you have to come down before the blood rushes to your head?

Thanks for adding me, Jack!

The Crew said...

Did Speedy leave? I wanted to dance.


Just Ducky said...

OK I think it is time to come down. I can just dismount and land on the floor.

Hmmm, think I will do a double Derby dismount. Ready everyone? Here I come.

::Derby pulls his paws off the ceiling, does a double backwards sommersault and a twist. Landing perfectly on all four paws::

Just Ducky said...

Woohoo. Who wants to go next? If your claws aren't long enough, I will lend you my boots.

The Crew said...

I must say Jack, your chef did a very nice job with the food. Everything is delicious! Mmmmm....I see Samanta & Tigger brought toona cookies.


The Crew said...

What is the maximum weight for ceiling work, Derby? I think at 17 lb. I might be too heavy and Max definitely is! He weighs more than me.


Just Ducky said...

Well I am about 15-16 pounds. You can give it a try. We can stay under you with the safety blanket.

Anonymous said...

I'll go. I'm around 11LBS. Can somecat lend me a paw?

The Crew said...

Max and I can hoist you up.


Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Ok, last tour! This is Judas hill! We'll take a quick look and home for dinner, which should be about ready to serve!


The Crew said...

Persephone, Tipper and I want to see your bedroom!


Anonymous said...

Me? I can wait to go next.

Just Ducky said...

Batman, you are doing a good job. First time, just take it easy. We will watch you carefully.

Beau said...

Sorry Persephone! I came back late & couldn't see for everyone.

WOOHOO Derby!! =clapping paws=

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Psst, Misty...I'm over here, hiding from the tail biting kittens~Speedy

The Crew said...

Guys, grab the end of that safety blanket! We don't want Batman to fall on the floor.

Anonymous said...

Whew, Clyde and I got lost for a bit. I hope we aren't late for dinner! It sounds like it will be delicious! This is a great party, we are having so much fun.

Anonymous said...

This is fun! Look Persephone I'm walking on the ceiling!!!

Anonymous said...

That's a great tour! And now look at that entertainment we're getting from the guests!

Just Ducky said...

Hey Beau, dinner is almost ready. Do you want another go at the ceiling before dinner?

Just Ducky said...

Batman, do you want to do a dismount to the floor or land in the blanket we have?

Anonymous said...

Ceiling walking is so much fun! I don't have claws, so at one party Daisy and the other kitties put velcro on my pawpads so my feets would stick to the ceiling. It was scary, but way fun!

The Crew said...

Hi Henry, hi Clyde, we didn't know you were here!

Hi Beau.

Speedy!!!!! (kiss,kiss) Can we dance or do you want to rest a minute from all that kitten licking?


Jake and Bathsheba said...

Hi, everybody! We just heard that the party was still on! I don't know how we missed it when we stopped by earlier. Mom has been hogging the computer for a while so we didn't get to check out mail until now. Thanks for contacting us, Derby.

Happy Birthday and Blogoversary, Jack! That looks like some pretty country around you, but mighty cold!

Um, did we hear that dinner is served?


Beau said...

Sure, it's so much fun! Ok, here I go. =leaps up, somerasults to upside down position, popping nails out at same time and takes hold= wooooohoooo!!!

Just Ducky said...

Yep, I have my velcro boots. That is how I do it too Henry.

Just Ducky said...

Yay, Jake and Bathsheba made it back. Glad I caught you, it is just about time for dinner.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

I'd be happy to dance with yoo Misty...anything to get to hold yoo close*blush*

Anonymous said...

oH, YES, I would like to dismount now. Does a single flip and lands on the floor. Whoa, that was fun!

The Crew said...

Hi Chey.

Hi Jake & Bathsheba.

Batman did a great ceiling walk for his first try, didn't he? Beau, be careful up there!


Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

that's wonderful Batman!! you're doing great!!

Tipper, Misty, come on! The bedroom is this way. We just have to be quiet. I think there are some kitties napping in there!


Just Ducky said...

Hello Chey. ::gives her a quick nose kiss::

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Maybe I can try my paws at a ceiling walk before dinner. My claws are quite long and sharp, but Mom trimmed 'Sheba's the other day.


Beau said...

Hey Tipper, watch this. =Beau tries "dancing" on the ceiling by swaying back and forth and putting left paw out then right then back and forth=

The Crew said...

Speedy, how do you like my Hello Kitty hat? Persephone is letting me wear it for the party.


Just Ducky said...

Maybe it is best we do all of the ceiling walking BEFORE dinner. Not sure how this would be with full tummies.

Ready Jack? We will give you a gentle toss up to the ceiling.

Anonymous said...

Velcro boots are much smarter. It kinda ripped some of my furs out getting that velcro off last time. It was still fun, though.

Just Ducky said...

Careful Beau. Gravity may kick in if you get too fancy!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

I love it, Misty. I hope yoo don't think less of me cuz I'm wearing one too~Speedy

Jake and Bathsheba said...

You boys can do your ceiling walks. I think I'll join the tour of Persephone's lovely bedroom.


Beau said...

HEY DERBY!! =waves paw from ceiling while "dancing"=

Just Ducky said...

Doing good Jake and Henry. Don't bump into each other, you might lose your grip.

The Crew said...

Hey, that's great, Beau.

1 - 2 - cha, cha, cha, 1 - 2, cha, cha, cha.

Beau said...

Ok, I'm going to dismount with a double somersault and single twist onto the floor. Ready?...

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Go Beau go

Anonymous said...

Beau, you are awesome! Woo Hoo. I'm never gonna forget about that!

The Crew said...

Not at all, Speedy dear. Everyone will know we're here together if we wear matching hats. I think it's a good idea!

Did Zippy & Sadie come with you. Are they touring Persephone's bedroom?


Beau said...

=lets go with hind paws, swings back and forth until has strong momentum, lets go with front paws
somersault somersault twist and lands on all 4 paws then stand erect on hind legs and raises arms in the air= woohooooooo!!

Jake and Bathsheba said...

I've had a lot of practice on digging in with my claws on Mom's shoulder so this ceiling walk is a piece of cake!


Just Ducky said...

Way to go Beau. You are getting good at this too.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yeah, they're here. I don't know where they went...Sadie was busy making crank phone calls earlier but Zippy made her stop~Speedy

Boy said...

You wive in such a pwetty pwace! Mine Mummy is sure to wove it, so I'll make sure I show her the pictors when I gets home after the party!
Come on! Wet me help you with the nip!!!

Beau said...

I'm not anywhere near as good as Derby. He is still, way by far, the ceiling walking champion!! Go Derby!!!!!!!!!!

The Crew said...

Wonderful, Beau! (clap, clap, clap, clap)

Henry....are you OK up there?

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Beau is really getting fancy with his dismounts...Woohoo Beau

Just Ducky said...

I don't think I can do as good as you with real claws. The boots are just not the same!

Jake and Bathsheba said...

But sometimes it can be hard to retract the claws when you've stuck them in real good.


The Crew said...

Hi Boy! Hey everyone...Boy is here.

It's Sunday morning by you isn't it?
About an 11 hour time difference from where we are. It's 8:50 PM now.

Anonymous said...

You know guys, it can be a little scary up here. I haven't done this in awhile! I am having fun, though, I love this!

Beau said...

Derby, in Biblical terms I am John the preacher and you are Jesus!

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Dinner is served!!!


The Crew said...

Henry, I tried to put in a good word for you with Laila the other day, but she says she's still too young for a boyfriend.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hi Derby, we can't beleeve we forgot to say hi to yoo. Hi Boy! Hey Batman, great holloween deco's on yoor catster!

Anonymous said...

Time for my dismount. Nothing fancy though. Watch out for me! Whooooooooaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!

Just Ducky said...

Miles Meezer is the best at ceiling walking. Not me!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Did someone say dinner!
Misty, may I escort you in to dinner?~Speedy

The Crew said...


(everyone heads over to the table)

Fabulous Jack! This all looks so good.

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Dinner? I'm there! (Does a quick dismount with a slight twist)


Just Ducky said...

Dinner? I am ready. Ceiling walking makes me hungry!

What did the chef whip up for us tonight?

Team Tabby said...

Sorry we're late, but we were busy getting lots of nip for your party. The place where you live is beautiful with lots of trees and a big river! We like those cardboard box steps - we love anything cardboard.

Moe & Mindy

Anonymous said...

Dinner looks delicious!!! Turkey is our furmily's favorite.


Beau said...

ALLLLRIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!! =whispers to Jack= Jack, mom's eyes are all itchy from allergies and sign us, so after dinner I'm going to have to leave and see about her. This has been the best party! You ARE the man! =headbutts= I hope you have had a wonderful birthday and gotcha day! Thank you for having this great party, being such a wonderful host, and for having all of us over!

Anonymous said...

Dinner! *Runs towards the table stumbling over brother, Clyde*

The Crew said...

Speedy, let's find a quiet corner to have our dinner.

Someone put on some dinner music!


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hi Moe and Mindy!

Anonymous said...

Riley (Batman's brofur) no, you may not eat the whole turkey by yourself its for everypurr.


Jake and Bathsheba said...

I'd better not be late for dinner or my piggy brother will eat my share. Thanks for the bedroom tour.


Anonymous said...

Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Sure Misty, let me carry your plate for bout here in this corner...~Speedy

Shaggy and Scout said...

Holy Moly! The party is still on!!!
We came twice earlier just popping in & out. Breakfast was great....and these bison steaks are a must try!!! We're gonna dig into the food. Can't talk....eating........

Beau said...

munch munch munch munch munch..yum
this is so delicious Jack. My compliments to the chef! munch munch scarf scarf munch

Anonymous said...

nom nom nom nom nom nom...

Jake and Bathsheba said...

How many couples do we have here? I know there's Misty and Speedy. Anyone else?


Jake and Bathsheba said...

Oh, and Batman is your boyfriend, isn't he, Persephone?


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, yoo have a little something in yoor whiskers Misty, let me lick that off for yoo~Speedy

Bogdan, the editor said...

I'm just in time for dinner?? Woohoo! Check out that roast duck!! I'm drooling. I better get eatin'.

Thanks for being such a good friend to us and checkin' up on us Morning Scratchers. Happy birthday and blogoversary! This party is great!!


Bogdan, the editor said...

I'm with Henry:
Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom

Great food!

Just Ducky said...

Wow, everything is sooo delicious, turkey, duck, bison. Can't talk, must eat.

Anonymous said...

*stops eating* Bogdan, I am so excited to see you! This is such a great party, your gonna have a blast!

Anonymous said...

nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom, this bison is delicious, nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom

Anonymous said...

Yes, Persephone is my girlfriendcat. KC was here earlier, too.


Hi Jake and Bathsheba!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Looks like we missed some ceiling walking & kitten likkin'. Are the litter boxes still fresh???? Just wondering.........

Henny and Marlene said...

Okay, I think all our cats are home and asleep. What I've heard they had a great party at your house, Jack.

Your OTW need that kinda Wild Turkey, we do, too. ;)

Thanks for the wonderful day!!

Beau said...

Hey Everyone, mom is having bad itchy eye problems so I must leave to go see about her. Let's give a round of applause, and toast, for all the birthday and gotcha day people, and especially to Jack for having such a wonderful party, being such a great host, and allowinng us all to come into his home. Here Here!
=Raises glass to Jack and everybody, takes a sip of water, sets it down, then claps= Goodnight everyone =telports out=

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Jack, will there be after dinner dancing? ~Speedy

The Crew said...

Hi Bogdan!

Hi S, S & S!

Speedy dear, would you like a little dessert?


Shaggy and Scout said...

Hi Crew & everybody! This has been a great day! Jack sure knows how to party, eh?

Shaggy and Scout said...

Dessert???? Temptations????

Jake and Bathsheba said...

This food is delicious! Jake, get out of my dish--we're not at home. Sheesh, brothers have no manners.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Um, did I see cheesecake over on the desert cart, I'll go get us a couple pieces sweetheart...unless you'd like something else~Speedy

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Yes, this food and hospitality if great! And Bathsheba, you're such a slowpoke eater, you don't do the food justice.


Just Ducky said...

Bathsheba, don't listen to Jake. Eating slower means you are actually savoring the food.

Bogdan, the editor said...

Hi Misty! Hi Henry! Hi Derby! Hi everyone! This is a great party!! Did I hear Temp-tay-shuns?

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hi Bogdan, how are yoo guys?

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

My Girlfriendcat KC was here at some point, but I think she had to pop back home.

yes, the litterboxes have an attendant scooping everytime a cat usees them.

Beau it was great to see you! Henny and Marlene we enjoyed having your kitties over!

And sure, we can have after dinner dancing, Speedy! I'll just get the OTW to clean away the boxes and paper off the floor in the Play room and we'll turn one the digital tv music stations. Any requests on type of music?


The Crew said...

Maybe just a tiny bit of ice cream, Speedy. Then we have to get one last quick dance. Mom said we have to be home by 9:30 and I don't want to be late.

Someone said earlier there was a conga line. Is it still going?


Shaggy and Scout said...

Hi Bogdan! We don't think we've met you yet. Are you a real live reporter??? That sounds way cool.

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Dessert will be served shortly, the chef is just preparing it now. I'll fetch the Tin of a Squillion Temptations while we wait!

Speedy! WAIT for dessert! Sheesh! ::wink::


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Be rite back with your ice creem, we started a conga line early this afternoon...we could do it again~Speedy

Anonymous said...

Persephone, can I show them out dancing?


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Sheesh, Speedy! Can yoo stop smooching yoor gerlfrend for 2 minits...~Zippy

The Crew said...

Mmmmmm...Temp-ta-shuns. My favorite.



Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

No Zippy, she has to leave in a few minits and I want all da smooches I can get~Speedy

Shaggy and Scout said...

Are there any plastic bags for Scooby to sniff? He doesn;t do nip, but he does do plastic! -Shaggy

Just Ducky said...

Jack, my compliments to the Chef. Dinner was just wonderful. I know Bathsheba and I have actually taken our time eating, to savor the flavor of all of the food. I don't get fed like this every day, so this is a real treat to eat like this.

Karen said...

Thanks for the tour and the invite. I just wanted to pop in and say Happy birthday :)

Anonymous said...

While we wait for desert, here is a performance for everypurr to watch. It is my furmily doing a silly dance.

The Crew said...

Uh oh, it's time for us to go. Tipper, Max, Misty...come on. We don't want to get home late.

Jack, Persephone...thanks for a great party! Everything was first rate.

Bye everyone. See you Monday on the blog.

Misty, come on. You can talk to Speedy Monday.


Just Ducky said...

Batman that dance is so cool. Mum even came over to watch. She loves the can-can. When she was in school her Biology class was next to the Orchestra practice room. So they got to listen it all the time. They would dance with their fingers.

Just Ducky said...

Goodnight Crew. Party at my place next Saturday!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Goodnight Misty*kiss, kiss, kiss*

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Bye, Tipper, Max, Misty, and George!

Yes, Derby, we are true gourmands, are we not?


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Wow, that was a grate dinner! Thank you Big One fur cooking fur us. Mmm, I think we're gonna go take a little nap now...anycat feel the need fur a little catnap? We can do a big nap pile.

Anonymous said...

Night, Derby!

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Goodnight George, Max, Tipper and Misty!!


BYE! Thank you for coming! Misty, you can take your Hello Kitty hat with you if you want!


Anonymous said...

I am gonna sleep all day tomorrow! This party is wiping me out! I am having way too much fun.

Anonymous said...

Mommy's calling for us, so we have to go. Daddy has been called into work tomorrow.

Jack, great party, dude. Your OTW and Chef put on one classy pawty.

Persephone, here is one big smooch for you. See you soon!

Jake and Bathsheba said...

A nap would be great right now. And our compliments to the fabulous chef! Thank you.


Bogdan, the editor said...

Hey Zippy, Sadie and Speedy!
And it's nice to meet you, Scooby, Shaggy and Scout!

Hey, Jack: Great party! I'm going to try to drop in later with my sisters. I have to go for the moment though. I can't believe I'm missing dessert!!!

Just Ducky said...

Yes, after such a wonderful dinner a nap is in order. Plus I need to teleport home and purr mum to sleep.

Jack, OTW, the Chef - thank you all for such a wonderful time.

See you soon.

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Oh, so sleepy. A nap feels go good right now . . .


I'm tired too. zzzzzzzz


Samantha & Mom said...

We've been in the background. This was a great party Jack. Your food was wonderful. Compliments to the chef and the ceiling walking was the greatest. It was so nice to see all our furiends. Thank you for having us.

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Sorry guys we lost internet connection again. Dessert will be in just a minute.


Bye, Batman! I'm sorry you have to go!


Bonnie Underfoot said...

What a beautiful sight! All that food, I mean :-)
You live in a beautiful place. Our leaves are still changing.
Happy Birthday, my dark furiend.

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Dessert is served!! Finally!


Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Stupid innernets. I keep missing my friends leaving!


Bonnie Underfoot said...

Dessert? May I?
Persephone, you look lovely!

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

Wow, dessert looks great!!

(We're still here, Mom says we can stay as long as we want, but she hasn't been able to type much for us. Even though we haven't been able to "talk" much, we're still havin' a great time)!!

Bonnie Underfoot said...

Hello, Smeagol, Strider. Good to see you again.

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Thank you Bonnie!


That's ok Smeagol and Strider, with our internets cutting out off and on all day, and our typist busy helping with getting food out and scooping boxes and snoopervising kittens and hallway racing, she hasn't been able to help us type much either!


Bonnie Underfoot said...

You look so handsome, Jack! This light brings out your hidden stripes.

Bogdan, the editor said...


Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Thank you Bonnie! I think my stripes have been getting more noticeable as I get older, too. It gives me a rather distinguished air, don't you think? And pretty soon, I bet I'd qualify as an Attack Tabby too!


Kat 3 said...

Weee! This is great fun! Happy purrthday and blogoversary, Jack! Those meatcakes are yummmm-my!

Bonnie Underfoot said...

Oh, definitely! Stripes are so "in" right now! Did you see Tripper's post about tabbies? Everycat has the gene, but only a few of us express it.
Mmmmm wonderful nip.

Miss Sara said...

This party is just nip-tastic. Thanks for inviting us to your big bash, Jack! Your chef did FANTASTIC. Purrs.

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

Hi Bonnie, nice to see you too!

(We wish Mom would sit still at the computer for more than two seconds)!

Bonnie Underfoot said...

My woman keeps wandering onto other pages. She'd never make it as a cat, waiting at mouse holes.

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Tabbies rule!

~Jake (waking up)

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Jake, did you hear Mom calling? She says that it's getting late and we should go to bed at home if we can't be good guests and socialize instead of sleeping.


Jake and Bathsheba said...

Good night, everyone! Jack and Persephone, you are wonderful hosts! We thank your OTW and big one for all they did to make the party a success.


Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Have some dessert before you leave though, Jake and Bathsheba!

Bonnie, my OTW wouldn't make it as a cat either. Unless she's playing with string. She can concentrate on that a long time.


Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Wait Jake!!! I haven't had a chance to smooch your stripes!!!

~the Jake-stripes besotted OTW

Bonnie Underfoot said...

Good night, Jake & Bathsheba!
Well, yes, I think all the best beans have a bit of cat in them. My woman sometimes plays with string - cross-stitch, she calls it. Nothing fancy but she's made some Christmas ornaments.

Bonnie Underfoot said...

::yawn:: I'm ready for a nap. ::curl up, chin on paw, tail over nose:: Good night!

Parker said...

Jack - Happy Birthday and thank-you and your humans for the great time! I'm stuffed, stoned and very tired. I had a great time!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

oooh yum yum yum

thos trees and those views are just amazing!

The M's said...

We are so sorry that we missed your party. The beans went on a camping trip for cub scouts. Looks like you had lots of fun though, happy late birthday....Munchkin

Anonymous said...


Your mommy and daddy sure know how to throw a great party. This was one for the record books.

Smooches to my favorite girl.

Jack, bud hope your birthday was all you wanted it to be.

MeezerMom said...

Jack and Persephone, your party was one of the bestest efurr!! the foods were great and we hadded so much fun!!!! Fank you so much for inviting us!

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Looks like you have a wonderful place. Thanks for the tour.

Sorry we missed the party. There just weren't any last minutes flights from Italy. Hope to catch the next one.

Opus and Roscoe

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Thank you for a grate party, Jack, OTW and the Big One! We had fun and it was really nice to see all of our friends. Yoo guys have a beyootiful home and the food, games and time spent with you was lovely. Thanks again. Happy Purrthday Jack and a squillion more.

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Hehe Jack, that was a pawesome party!! I love the hall da best!!


Jack, my man, you sure know how to throw a good party!


Thanks Jack for inviting me to your party!


Mickey's Musings said...

Man oh man, I was havin so much fun I forgot ta post and do the crank calls.Jack,you sure know how to throw a party.I mean DUDE!!!!!!

Just Ducky said...

Thank you for such a wonderful party yesterday. I am still stuffed with all of the food, and napping it all off. See you soon.

Ivan from WMD said...

Gosh, I'm sorry I missed this, Jack! You live in such a pretty area. And what food! AND, you had Russell Sprouts!

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Yo Jack. Sorry I missed you party. It looked awesome. It's just a bit hard keeping up with my social engagements now that I'm living full-time under a blanket. See my blog for details...

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