I'm ONE!! I'm ONE!!! It's my BIRFDAY! I'm a MAN-Cat now! Lookit all this stuff!!

I smell catnip!
I smell it too!

Oh my gosh! A Fake Dead Live Shrimp! With Catnip! (Well, he doesn't have 'X's on his eyes!)

Chewy Mousies!!! With Catnip!

Hey! A new tunnel! A BIGGER tunnel!!!

I can dive in the top! And it doesn't fall down under me!

Balls! And Strings! And Paper!

Hey! A Ball! I saw balls like this before! Peoples kick them around! And then they fall over and go OW OW OW!!!

Ooooo! This rolls better than Jack's fuzzy balls!

What's this?? Oh, it crinkles nice when I pounce it!

It's a tent? My very own tent? Not Jack's? And I'm allowed to pounce and roll it?

I wanna play in the tent too! TENT WARS!!!!!!!!

Hey Tenzing, what have you got there? Ooooooo! Nip-shrimp! You're gonna share this!

Mom-Lady-Person! Mom-Lady Person! Can we have treats now?? Please???

I'm gonna nom this for dessert!

Awesome! Plastic bag with crumpled paper in it! I don't know what's wrong with that kitten! He's ignoring the best present!

More for me!

This is an awesome! Can I have a birfday tomorrow, too?

Hey, wait a minute! Why are there House Panthers on MY tent???

Ok, ok, mom! I'll share! But the shrimp is MINE!!

Happy Birthday, little Man-Cat!