For Thursday Thirteen I decided to tell you about 13 ways my OTW is weird, besides having purple and green hair and dressing up like a Viking and carving up vishus deer antlers, and wanting to eat candy canes in July.

1. Cilantro is like kitty-crack to my OTW. Once she eats a leaf she can’t stop eating it and wants it on EVERYTHING!! Luckily, once she hasn’t had it in a few days she doesn’t crave it anymore. Until she buys more!!
2. She hates cell phones and only had one for a little while so she could hunt the Big One when he would get sidetracked and be late to meet her and she couldn’t get home to scritch me. She doesn’t like regular phones either and hardly ever answers it unless she knows who’s calling, and it rings and rings and rings and hurts my ears!
3. She’s had insomnia since she was 8, which is why she’s always up until the birds get up. Sometimes she plays Two-am Tag with me!

4. Most of her fingers are bent or twisted at the end. The only completely straight fingers are the ones beside her littlest fingers, and one of them has a big knuckle. She doesn’t know why, but she can still scritch me good.
5. She can’t tell time at all without a clock. She can’t tell how long a minute is like me, or the difference between 5 minutes and 15.
6. She has something she calls eidetic visual and tactile memory, but very bad memory for stuff she hears. She can remember the feel of something she touched 10 years ago, or saw when she was 5, but can’t remember what I meowed to her an hour ago.

7. She can’t grow grass. Seriously. She’s tried and killed three pots this year. And now the Big One brought home already grown grass 2 weeks ago and it’s already dying. She waters them. I watch her do it.
8. She says she failed math once, and barely passed science class, but she reads stuff about how stars get born and why there’s a squillion universes like ours while she tries to go to sleep. Does that mean there’s a squillion Jacks too?
9. She’s almost as good a cook as the Big One, at least with making people foods, but couldn’t boil an egg properly for YEARS, long after she learned to cook.

10. She has a scar on her chest that makes a dent in her skin. Her mam says she’s had it since she was born, and is sure it’s a scar from getting something pressed too hard into her when they cut her out of her mam’s belly.
11. She’s has never had a credit card to buy me toys or driver’s licence to drive me around.
12. Stuff that’s supposed to make her sleepy like chamomile and lavender make her nipped up and wide-awake for days. But coffee doesn’t wake her up, I have to purr on her head.

13. She gets mistaken for a 12 year old at airports, but no one ever wants to look at her cards when she hunts at a liquor store. One of her friends saw this picture of her and said she looked 14! She’s like a squillion years old!!! (ed. 34!!!! NOT old!!!!! ::rolls eyes::)
And that's my OTW!!!