Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Tabby Tuesday-New Boxing Cat-hlete in the Making?

I get a Gingers Day AND a Tabby Day! Ha, ha! Jack only gets one 'acause Midnight Monday and Mancat Monday is the same day! And he has to share when *I* grows up into a Big Strong Mancat!

I likes being a Red Meniss!

And one day when I grows up Big and Strong, I'm gonna be a BOXING CHAMPION!!!! And beats JACK!!!


Um....is licking supposed be part of boxing?

What's under here? Mousie?



My Sooper-Hero hide-out box! Where I can practice my skills, like ripping the furs offa my preys! Hey! Get away, Ebil Arch-Nemesis Lady-Person-Kitten-Cuddler! MY lair!

EANLPKC: Jurkfase Kitten! That's my HAT, dammit! Stop eating my stuff!


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You are a very cute red meniss

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You are very cute... I think it's important to have many days to show of your good side.

The Creek Cats said...

MOL!! You guys are so cute!

The Island Cats said...

Jack better watch out for the red meniss!

Katnip Lounge said...

Sir Red Meniss,
It has come to my attention that you may be plotting to turn me into Hooman Chutney. Be aware that I am on to your ebil plan. Also, I am old and stringy. You may need to add some tenderizer to your recipie...
MomKat Trish

Kea said...

Tenzing, we see how menacing you are! In fact, our human would love to kiss and snorgle the Red Meniss. :-))

Anonymous said...

How cute are YOU! Boxing is one of our furry favorite sports along with napping☺

Anonymous said...

oh Tenzing, you are just TOO CUTE!!!

The Crew said...

Tenzing...look how you've grown! You must be eating lots.

Ivan from WMD said...

You may already be boxing champion, Tenzing!

Just Ducky said...

Did the hat taste good?