James: Terrible news today, Lisa. It seems some of our Canadian Cat-hletes have found themselves accused of Doping!

Lisa: That's right, James. While the Human Olympics currently appear to have been run clean, the Cat Olympics are being rocked with this drug scandal! A series of pictures allegedly taken during the Cat Olympics show Cat-hlete Persephone with what appears to be containers of CATNIP!

James: Persephone has not confirmed at this time whether she was aware of the camera at the Cat Olympic residence, though the pictures suggest she was.

Lisa: Yes, James. In fact, detailed examination of the series of photos suggest she may have been trying to hide the evidence when she realized the camera was there.

James: Indeed, Lisa. While it's not clear yet that these photos were taken at the Cat Olympic Residence, or when, it is doubtful Persephone will be allowed to keep any medals she won.

Lisa: And there's worse news in this story. Jack, long known to be an anti-nip advocate, appears in at least one of the photos, and allegedly appears to be be partaking of the drug!

Lisa: Thank you, James. We'll being staying on top of this story and will keep you informed of further developments. We'll be right back!
Oh noes!! Deny, deny, deny!
Wonder if anyone would know if Saylor and Maizy hit the nip before their extreme climbing event!
My goodness, that is not good but a little nip can't be all that bad. We sure wouldn't throw you out. Nip is very good for you. Have a great day.
Oh dear, what have you been up to? Lol...
Representatives of Cat of Nine Tales have no comment on behalf of their cathletes. Although it has been noted that Penny, who is on the team but did not make it to the games, has been an advocate of organic herbs for medicinal purposes.
~Lisa Co9T
I think it's a frame job
No! The nip is not a performance enhancing drug...in fact, sometimes it has just the opposite effect! You earned your medals in spite of the nip!
Well, we think that since there were no rules in the cat-olympics, that nip is ok! Yep, that totally makes sense to us!
We are sure it was taken for medicinal purposes only.
oh noes - but really, it's NIP. NIP NIP NIP.
Did we mention how funny we think you are?
Ah, who can prove that catnip is a performance-enhancing drug? Sounds like much ado about nothing, like the flap about the Canadian women's hockey team's victory celebration.
Uh oh! You two are SO busted!
Whicky Wuudler
Oh my Cod, I can't believe it. Jack...Persephone...wait right there. I'm coming over and we'll go straight to a Catnip Anonymous meeting!
Um, we think the nip should be considered medicinal! Plus, we thought there was no rules in the Cat-O-Lympics!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
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