PersePHONY here! The sucky little goodie-four-paws are off meowing at the mom-person about Valentines for their girlfriendcat and boyfriendcat for the contest, and I decided it was time to introduce myself!
I've been causing LOTS OF TROUBLE!!!!!!
See this stuff?
I knocked it all down while the mom-person slept! It crashed REALLY GOOD!!!
I chewed the corner of this book and that mom-person shook it at Little-Miss-Butter-Wouldn't-Meep-In-Her-Mouth, and told her she was FIRED!!! No research assistants who chew books!
I think she hired her back the next day. I must try harder next time!
And the bestest was THIS! The Mom-person was just telling the Giant how lucky they were that they have those two perfect little pussycats who never use anything but the litterbox for their litterbox needs!
Boy did she HOLLER!!! She hollered "Which one of you little Fiends of Hell did that?!?" And she hollered "I was WASHING the BOX!!!" and she hollered "It wasn't even gone TWO WHOLE MINUTES!!!!!" And then she punished them! She punished them good! She scooped them right up and RUBBED THEIR BELLIES!!! But she didn't get me!!!! And she still can't figure out which of the two momma's-kitties couldn't wait a few more minutes to use the clean box!
Phony!!!!!!! You Lil'Devil! Heeheehee :) I see you are out to stir up mayhem in the quiet home. I bet we will be seeing more of you. Heh,heh,heh!
Purrs Mickey
Hi PersePHONE!!!
Check out my Valentine for you today. Mommy is just learing how to use Photoshop. He he he
Batman XOXO
Awww . . . tummies were rubbed? How horrible!
Hee hee hee.
Yup. That stuff looks like it would crash really good! Keep up the mayhem!
I say you did GRATE!
Keep it up.
Ohoh, well, it was litter even if it was in a bag! Yoo are doing a good job of getter Persephone in trubbule.
Hahahaha! Are you joining the ranks of Hellie & Bendrix?
Rubbed tummies! How awful!!!
I fink Knot Mee's at yur howse now. Last week, Knot Mee broked a glass at our howse.
Someone TRIED to put "it" in the litter, it was just trapped unner plastic.
Tummy rubbin is like the comfy chair in Monty Python. "No, no, not the tummy rubs!"
I think you done good! Since the litter box was not available, you got as close as you possibly could.
I love it. I try and make sure that humans are always on their toes!
Oh thank you, Persephone! You've given me some wonderful ideas on how to punish my mom for leaving me for four days! Okay, gotta go knock some stuff over and 'wash' some stuff ...
Did someone go poopey on the floor? Oh My.
Hahahhahahaha!! Chewed up the Book of Loss????? Now if dat iz not an ox-emoron..I don't know what iz!
Hello PersePhony. It is very nice to meet you - we probably had twins of ourselves who tried to get us in trouble when we were kits, but we are very laid back now. You need to make sure you keep causing mischief.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Bendrix here: PersePHONY, you are awesome! Love it love it love it. Chewing, climbing, whapping stuff, piddling outside the're more that awesome, you're pawsome!
I think we need to have an evil alter ego club. We could have T-Shirts! I'd love to see that goody four paws Hendrix get his tummy rubbed. snicker.
You're a very devious kitty.
jans funny farm
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