We have been very very very busy! My OTW is in the same contest as last year, and has to play with strings a lot, and she has to play with strings to send to Florida and Australia too! We have been snoopervising her work a lot!

Snoopervisor shift change!

We're especially diligent about snoopervising the actual playing of with strings!

We take it in turns.

But sometimes we have to snoopervise so closely it takes TWO of us!!

I have additional Mancat Duties, as the resident Mancat Snoopervisor! See this evil plastic snake?

It is EVIL, and I must protect my OTW when it attacks her hand!

I must kill it dead!!!

And then there are these Vicious Cardboard Creatures!

They collect in little hoards beneath the OTW's String-Playing-With-Machine!

Then they start jumping up and getting all tangled in her strings!

I have to go under her String-Playing-With-Machine and hunt them! I drag them out and kill them! But there's always more!!
My OTW will be busy with her strings for a couple more weeks, so we're very sorry if we haven't come by to visit if you visited us, but we have a lot of work to do, making sure she's playing with her strings right and doesn't get attacked by Evil Snakes and Vicious Cardboard Creatures! We will visit you all when we can!