It's a pirate I be!
And this be my Matey, P’rsephone, Pirate Queen!!
We be Fierce House-Pirates of th' River Peace, in th' grand Pirate Tradition of th' Pirates of the River Saskachewan!
P’rsephone cats th' Crow’s Nest!
There don’t be a REAL crow’s nest there. We be eatin’ them else! Though P’rsephone be sayin’ there were a jay or two there just th’ other day!
Hey! Don’t be doing that!! Me Wench be squirtin’ me with th' Bad Cat Bottle f’r goin’ in ta me favourite Pirate Cove, the Forbidden Closet!!!
And this here, this be ME BOOTY!!!
Don’t none o’ you scurvy kittens be thinkin’ on stealin’ me booty!! I be keepin’ a close eye on ye!
Now, time ta be grabbin’ me Wench and catchin’ a wee nap!
Pee esssssssss, ye be wantin' ta go ta see th' lyrics ta "Canada's Really Big" by th' same sea chanty singers. 'Tis me wench's favourite!
Arrrrr! That's some pirate's booty ye has there. Grab some grog and swing from the timbers we sail for the ocean! Bring the wench too!
Very nice! I love the red scarf on your head, and you have a wonderful treasure chest and a beautiful pirate queen!!!
Captain Jack Flint a.k.a. Karl
Arrrrrgh! Two mighty fine lookin pirates I say!!Come sail with us.We be plunderin for toona jooce and tasties.Must say,you already have a fine booty! Come celebrate,there's lots to share!!
Ahoy mateys, that there be some great swag n booty ye got thar. Pop oover for a nip o' toona rum after yer nap. Aye! Arrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Ahoy! 'Tis a fine lot o' booty ye got there, with the pirate queen. Sounds like the spraying wench may be walkin' the plank, arrrggh!
Your buddy, Grog-master Jim
Arrrrg! You two be a fine pair of pirates all right. I be quite interested in your shiny treasure...
ye an' th' wee queen be right pirately appearin', an' that be some fine booty!! we's glad yer sailin' wif us today, an' we'll all hoist a mug t' the memry o' whisper. we hopes yer otw (contrary as she is) an' fambly be doin' well.
Ye that be some fine booty. Maybe a fine pirate wench like you would like to come to my cabin for a little grog? Hummm?
---Cap'n Beezer
Arr that's a fine pirate scarf ya have thar and a lovely queen!
Arrr, dat be some nice booty and good loot too! heheehehe
Captain Left Eye Louis here. Arrr, you be havin' quite a treasure chest, matey!
Ahoy me hearties. That be quite a sea cat homeport ye be havin' thar. We love yer red sea cat bandanna an' yer beautiful sea cat queen in th' crow's nest.
Aye, purrrrs, Pirate Queen China Cat an' Willow th' Wicked Warrior Pirate
arrr! that's some fine booty you gots there!!! got any nip-rum?
Wunderful treasure chest yoo got thare matey!
Aye, ye are a great Cap'n and ye have a beautiful Queen. Yer treasure is wonderful and yer jaunty hat, cool!! Garr! Me Parrot concurs!
Yer FL mateys,
Lieutenant-Colonel Janie Jalibird and
Bloody Neck Snapper Ned
That be great booty yer havin' there, matey. Ye look good in yer pirate scarf an' yer pirate wench looks good, too. I'll wager ye'll get a fine haul of Temptations for that lot, me hearties.
Arr, ye ha' some fine booty thar! Ye both be excellent pirates, me mateys, gar!
Yarrrr, that be some foine booty indeed, guard it well, else Mad Roger Vane be knockin' on yer keel fer it!
Orrrrrrrrr ayrrrrrrrrrrrr you are a mighty scary pirate. I likes the look of your booty and will send my parrot over to steal it. OOops, can't as I ate him up!!
{I didn't know it was pirate day!)
Meargh! What a fine booty!
Arrrrrr! P'rsephone sure is one cute pirate queen.
Jack, Matey, you are a handsome manly pirate panther.
Lookin forwerd to seeing ya tomorrow. Ahoy!
KC said...
O, Jack... i's mean Fierce House-Pirate Jack of th' River Peace, let's grab a mug o' nip-rum and sing a song o' the sea. u's and Pirate Queen Persephone look grrrrreat. that be some booty, don't fink no one's would dare steel it.
Purrs, KC
arrrr look at that fine treasure..arrr
Red is a very nice color on you. It goes well with your black furs.
Ooooh you both make fine pirate lads and lassies! It's a biiiiiiiiig job to troll the River Saskatchewan for booty!
Persephone, we just love your diamond necklace. You look just beautiful in those jewels!
Tipper & Misty
Wow, I *love you in that pirate get-up!
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