He learned to jump the containment gate!
I'm BORED! Is there more to explore?

Climbed the bookshelf and knocked over the OTW's housewarming cat!
Hey! Can I climb on the ceiling?

Tried to trip the humans down the stairs!
Oh! This is a good spot to nap!

Climbed the bookshelf and knocked over the special flowers!
How did you get down there, Stinky White Things?

Tried to swallow a needle, then moped around for a few hours making the OTW panicky!
I'm so sleepy! I can feel my legs grow!

Climbed the bookshelf and knocked over BOOKS!
Hey! What's out there???

Climbed the OTW's computer screen and TV!
Now how do I get to that place?

And KNOCKED OVER THE OTW'S ADULT BEVERAGE! Which he's still licking up from her bag she was too lazy to clean!

But at least we think we know where his name should come from! Same place as mine!

He gets the Panther Lick of Approval from ME!