My beautifulest valkyrie-cat girlfriend is SICK!


I'm coming over to cuddle and help you feel better, KC!

The OTW says I should bring you flowers...

...but I thought grass would taste better, so I brought you some of that too!

And I brought you a pretty bowl to eat healthy nummy stinky goodness out of because you have to keep your strength up!

I did NOT get you a t-shirt to help keep you warm, though. There's vishus deer antlers on it, and that's just creepy.

But I brought some toys for later if you feel better. Some nice fuzzy pompoms!

And some catnip playthings (....erm, you don't have a road to the basement do you?)

And some paper toys, too!

And even a balloon that floats so we can chase the RIIIIIBBOOOOOON!!!!!
Oh... oops, sorry!

Get Well Soon, KC!!!